Hur går urvalsprocessen till vid val av domare och hur agerar domarna under arbetet?
HÄR hittar du information om detta som huvuddomare Jörgen Brandt skrivit.
Huvuddomarens uppgift är att vara support för jurypanelen och se till så att de tex. håller tider, följer reglerna och är införstådda med bedömningssystemet. Huvuddomaren har inte som uppgift att bedöma några bilder, men kan behöva hoppa in för att ersätta någon i den ordinarie panelen, till exempel vid risk för jäv.
LÄS MER om huvuddomaren genom att klicka på bilden i översikten nedan.
Digitaldomare bedömer bilderna i den digitala kvaltävlingen. Olika domare bedömer olika kategorier baserat på varje domares unika kompetens. Den digitala bedömningen görs online med stöd av huvuddomaren.
LÄS MER om varje domare genom att klicka på respektive bild i översikten nedan.
(Listan uppdateras allteftersom domare blir klara.)

Printdomare bedömer de printade bilderna i printfinalen. Olika domare bedömer olika kategorier baserat på varje domares unika kompetens. Printbedömningen sker i två steg. Först en öppen jurering, live i samband med SM-eventet. Sedan en sluten jurering där topp-placeringarna fastställs.
LÄS MER om varje domare genom att klicka på respektive bild i översikten nedan.
(Listan uppdateras allteftersom domare blir klara.)

For me, photography is a way of life, a job and a hobby – and the boundaries are often fluid or non-existent.
The light and form must always be there and must support the image. As a photographer, in my personal images, I work more and more with the abstract, perhaps closer to abstraction, where things become “more” and often “other” than they are.
Been a mentor for photographers from, among others, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Slovakia, France, etc.
Has taught and lectured on photography in Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Japan, Latvia, France, UK, Sweden and more.
President, Federation of European Professional Photographers (FEP) 2012-14
Chairman of the Jury, FEP Photographer of the Year 2011-18
Chairman of the Jury, World Photographic Cub 2016-18
Co-founder & Governor 2013-17 World Photographic Cup
Qualification Judge FEP 2008-
Chairman of the Board, Museum of Photographic Art, Odense, Denmark, 2006-13
Awards, selection:
Master QEP – Master Qualified European Photographer (http://www.europeanphotographers.eu)
The Master Qualified European Photographer (MQEP) Certificate is awarded to photographers who have demonstrated an outstanding command of their craft.
Supreme qualified master>photo-dk (https://dff-photo.dk/) awarded in recognition of outstanding, creative and technically perfect work within a chosen specialty. The work must be individual and express a particularly personal style, just as the approach to the subject is expected to be characterized by originality.
Fellow British Institute of Professional Photography (bipp.com)
Technical ability at the highest level, crafting images to an uncompromised standard. Demonstrating excellent all-round technical ability, preparation and production of flawless mounted prints clearly showing personalised style and creativity.
FEP Fine Art Nude Book Prize 2020 for the book 3 x 3 x 3 SENSUALITY, EMOTIONS, TRANSFORMATION
Photographers Jorgen Brandt, Pascal Baetens, Martin Vrabko. This work highlights the creativity of three photographers while remaining true to the collective work of the artists as a group. The layout and printing are excellent and enhance the quality of the nudes.
FEP Merit Award 2018 in recognition of meritorious service rendered in his position as Chairman of the FEP Photographer of the Year Competition 2011-18
Warren Motts International Service Award 2015 (Professional Photographers of America - ppa.com)
Warren Motts International Service Award is presented to individuals who have made major contributions in promoting and developing professional photography on an international level. The award is not necessarily conferred each year, and a maximum of 25 may be given.
Acted as a judge/chief judge in image competitions in Denmark, Sweden, Europe (FEP), for the EU, Spain, France, Australia, China as well as in a Nordic Competition etc
Proud and happy to now be “Head-Judge” in Sweden for the 10th time - always a pleasure

Ann Coppens, photographer with a passion for nature photography, is always looking for that ultimate moment where action and light enhance each other. Reflecting the emotions of animals and highlighting their personalities are the main pillars in her photographs. Capturing the tranquillity and simplicity of nature in a thoughtful way is her goal. Her images tell a story. The story of our planet.
Ann is a pro photographer based in Belgium. Her photography has taken her to many corners of the globe.
Many of her works have won prestigious international awards.

Eugenio Li Volsi was born in Catania in 1969.
A son of art, he approached the world of photography from an early age, following his father Raffaele, a professional photographer since 1948, from whom he learned the fundamentals of analog photography.
He attended numerous professional photography workshops and seminars throughout Italy and abroad; this commitment was rewarded by numerous awards, certificates, and recognitions.
For him, photography is a story: telling with light. Nothing can be left to chance and improvisation. Technique is essential, but it must be combined with creativity, sensitivity and intuition.
A life full of commitment, but also of many confirmations: from the foundation of the Associazione Fotografi Siciliani, to the Bronze Awards obtained for the Wedding category in 2014, the year in which, again for the WEDDING category, he received the important qualification of QEP Qualified European Photographer) from the FEP (Federation of European Professional Photographers).
In 2016, an active collaboration with Confartigianato (of which he is Provincial President in the Photographers Communication Category) began, which led him to be called, as a member of the jury, for the attribution of the new QEP and MQEP qualifications to European professional photographers and, in 2017, to the appointment as a member of the international jury for the FEP European Professional Photographers of The Year Award 2017.
In March 2017, he organized the “FEP Photo Days 2017” in Catania, bringing for the first time to Sicily, to Catania, a unique event, which involved all the Presidents of the photographic associations of 30 European countries and the greats of photography.
In 2017, the important Belgian Magazine U‐to‐P on Wedding photography, published an interview with him and his works.
In 2018 he was appointed as International Judge of the IPPA (Irish Professionals photographers Association) for the 2018 Awards, as FEP Judge for the FETA Competition (Emerging Talent Student) and was elected by Confartigianato among the 12 members of the Board of Directors of the European Federation of Photographers.
In 2019 he was already appointed as a member of the international Jury at the FEP Photographer of the Year Award 2019, and again for the year 2019/2020/2021/2022/2023/2024 he holds the position of European Judge for the FEP (European Federation of Professional Photographers) for the QEP and MQEP Qualifications.
For 2020, as a representative of the FEP and the WPC (World Photographic Cup), he will be present as a Special Guest in various Workshops that will take place during the year in various cities of Italy, promoting to the professional photographer how to access European and world qualifications.
He is the organizer of the 7th/8th Edition of the World Cup (WPC) and was appointed Chairman of the Italian Judges for the creation of Team Italy.
He is the current Italian representative in the steering committee of the FEP (Federation European Photographers).
On November 26, 2023, he received the Master QEP certification, the most important European recognition, issued by the FEP (Federation European Photographers) to a very limited number of professionals who must demonstrate outstanding and impeccable technical and artistic skills.
"What is the goal of my work? It is to look to the future and innovation without forgetting that the photographer is, in any case, an artisan of the image; it is necessary to improve and innovate without losing the artisanal and creative sense of one's work. Telling stories in an authorial, authentic and elegant way."

Göran Strand har fått stor uppmärksamhet för sina bilder och filmsekvenser av olika himlafenomen. Han har bidragit med film- och bildmaterial till både svenska och internationella filmproduktioner. Mer än 20 av hans bilder har utsetts till ”Astronomy Picture of the Day” av NASA och 2014 använde bandet Coldplay en av hans norrskensfilmer i musikvideon ”A sky full of stars”. Under 2016 gavs fem av hans norrskensbilder ut som frimärken av PostNord AB. Göran har utsetts till årets bästa svenska astrofotograf 2013 och 2016 och samarbetar nu med Nikon på deras spegellösa kamerasystem som en av deras Z Creators.
Utmärkelser och priser
2013 och 2016 - Sveriges bäste astrofotograf av Svenska Astronomiska Sällskapet.
2017 - Belönades med Carl Zetterströms minnesmedalj för jamtsk vitterhet av Jamtamotets bevarande.
2021 - Andra pris i världens största astrofototävling Astronomy Photographer of the Year.
2022 - Årets hembygdsstipendiat av Jämtland-Härjedalens Gille i Uppsala.
2022 - Hedersutmärkelse av Per Stjernströms Kulturstiftelse för betydelsefull kulturgärning i länet.

Meet Maggie Robinson, In-Person Sales Trainer and Family Photographer, UK
With over a decade of experience behind the lens, Maggie has established herself as one of the industry’s most sought-after family photographers and in-person sales trainers.
Maggie's holistic, non-pressurised approach to business, paired with her straightforward, no-nonsense advice, has earned her a loyal following and a dedicated fan base. Photographers are drawn to her relatable style, practical insights, and genuine commitment to helping others succeed without the overwhelm.
Her artistry and commitment to excellence have earned her the prestigious Newborn Photographer of the Year award and The Societies of Professional Photographers' coveted Trainer of the Year accolade, amongst others.
Known for her warm, approachable style and exceptional teaching abilities, Maggie is the go-to mentor for photographers eager to refine their craft and boost their in-person sales strategies.
Her expertise in family posing is reflected in her ability to blend clean, modern photography with heartfelt, client-centered imagery that captures meaningful stories.
Beyond her studio work and international speaking engagements, Maggie runs TogAcademy.com platform and actively manages a string of Facebook groups where photographers can ask questions daily and receive real-time advice—not just from Maggie but also from her network of trusted photography friends. This vibrant online community ensures that photographers always have the support they need to grow their skills and businesses.

Scott Johnson, FBIPP FSWPP Master of The Societies, is an Internationally recognised, award-winning photographer based in Essex, UK, and has photographed weddings worldwide. Known for being fun and energetic, Scott travels the world as a judge, educator and mentor. He has judged for SWPP, WPPI, and numerous international competitions, including being the only British judge for the 2020, 2021 and 2023 World Photographic Cup.
He holds two Fellowships with the Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers (SWPP) in Wedding and Documentary Photography. His documentary Fellowship in 2017 on the Auschwitz camp in Poland, taken entirely on film, has received plaudits from across the world.
In 2018, he was awarded ‘Master Photographer’ with the SWPP. In 2019, he won the Open & Natural World category in the SWPP 20x16 print competition, as well as finishing runner-up in the Wedding Classical category, having won that category in 2016. He was the only British winner at WPPI in Las Vegas in the 2019 annual awards with first place in the Wedding Contemporary category (Gold distinction), and in 2022, he was awarded three Gold and one Gold Distinction at the WPPI Annual 20x16 competition. His SWPP awards journey was completed in 2021 when he won Architectural Photographer of the Year. In 2023, he won the ‘Wedding Day’ category in the SWPP 20x16 print competition.
He is a global ambassador for Fundy Software, as well as at Studio Ninja and Graphistudio.