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Domarna i SM i Fotografi 2021 presenteras här

Huvuddomarens uppgift är att vara support för jurypanelen och se till så att de tex. håller tider, följer reglerna och är införstådda med bedömningssystemet. Huvuddomaren gör ingen bildbedömning om han/hon inte behöver hoppa in för att ersätta någon i den ordinarie panelen tex vi risk för jäv. 


Digitaldomare bedömer bilderna i den digitala deltävlingen. Olika domare bedömer olika kategorier baserat på varje domares unika kompetens. Den digitala bedömningen görs online med stöd av huvuddomaren.


Printdomare bedömer de printade bilderna i printfinalen. Olika domare bedömer olika kategorier baserat på varje domares unika kompetens. Printbedömningen sker live inför publik i samband med SM-eventet och som en sluten slutjurering innan prisutdelningen. 

Hur går urvalsprocessen till vid val av domare och hur agerar domarna under arbetet? Här hittar du information som från huvuddomare Jörgen Brandt!



Fotografi er for mig en livsstil, et arbejde og en hobby – og grænserne flydende eller ikke eksisterende. I det kommercielle arbejder jeg med at fange stemning og følelse, at fange ”mennesket” som et levende individ – som et glimt af deres ”personlighed”. Billederne er tit portrætter af enkelte eller familier, fine art nude (boudoir), gravide, nyfødte, børn etc. Gennem tiden har jeg udstillet på forskellige gallerier samt museer og været med på en hel del udstillinger andre steder.

Egen fotokunst I mine egne natur og abstrakte eller Fine Art Nude billeder er det egentligt noget af det samme. Lyset og formen er altid med og skal understøtte billedet Som fotograf arbejder jeg i mine egne billeder mere og mere med det abstrakte, måske nærmere abstraktionen, hvor tingene bliver til mere og ofte andet end de er.

For mig handler fotografiet ikke om hvad jeg ser eller om hvad virkeligheden er. Det gjorde i begyndelsen og faktisk i mange år. Det var spændende, det udviklede sig – men det var, set i bakspejlet, også en spændetrøje. Virkeligheden, så spændende og udfordrende den kan være, er egentlig uinteressant i fantasiens verden. Det uanset om fantasien udspringer af virkeligheden eller ikke. Mine egne fotografier handler fantasi, der er opstået i den måde jeg vælger at se og bruge verden i mine billeder.

Desuden underviser jeg i og holder foredrag om fotografi i Danmark, på Færøerne, Japan, Letland, Frankrig, UK, Sverige med flere.

Har været/er mentor for fotografer fra bl.a. Danmark, Norge, Sverige, UK, Holland, Belgien, Slovakiet, Frankrig m. fl.

”Chairman of the Jury” i FEP Photographer of the Year Awards 2011-18, ”Chairman of the Jury” i World Photographic Cub 2016-18. Var co-funder af World Photographic Cup og WPC Governor 2013-17. FEP President 2012-14, Har siden 2008 deltaget i bedømmelsen af kvalifikationspaneler i FEP nomineret af Dansk Fotografisk Forening. Formand for bestyrelsen, Museet for Fotokunst, 2006-13.

Awards bl.a.:
Master QEP – Master Qualified European Photographer (
supreme qualified master>photo-dk (
Fellow British Institute of Professional Photography (
FEP Fine Art Nude Book Prize 2020
FEP Merit Award 2018
Warren Motts International Service Award 2015 (Professional Photographers of America -

Stolt og glad over nu for 7 gang at fungere i Sverige - altid en fornøjelse

Domarna kommer att vara olika i den digitala bedömningen respektive i printfinalen - här nedan presenteras domarna i bokstavsordning och i samband med namnpresentationen anges även vilken del av tävlingen domaren kommer att döma, samt vilken/vilka kategorier.

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Edita Bízová is multi award winning portrait & beauty photographer based in Czech Republic, she creates photography education for photographers from beginners to pros and helps them to start business. Her specialty are painterly portraits with use of flowers. Her signature style is feminine, soft and yet confident with painterly feel.
 & Facebook: @editbphoto
My youtube channel is right here (now it is only in czech):



Anna, 40 år fra Borås i Sverige, driver et fotostudio i Lillestrøm utenfor Oslo og har spesialisert seg på nyfødt, gravid og familiefotografering. Er mest kjent for sine stilrene nyfødtportretter med stemningsfullt lys. Elsker å fange personlige trekk og uttrykk i enkle portretter. 


Kvalifiserte til QEP i 2019

4 medaljer + årets bilde i babykategori ga en sammenlagt 2.plass i Landskonkurransen 2020





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João Carlos is an advertising photographer, fashion photographer, portraitist and Pet photography. Based in Lisbon, Portugal.

Although he expressed interest in having a "real camera with flash" at the age of five, João's artistic explorations started with painting and visual arts that led him to study at the Institute of Visual Communication in Lisbon, Portugal.

One of the highlights of Carlos's photographic career came in 2010, when he won the Hasselblad Masters Award, a prestigious recognition in the industry, honoring the best in established and rising photographic talent.


He’s had been four times representing Portugal in the WPC, The national captain.


He has QEP in fashion. Nominated for 2019 photographer of the year in two Categories, Portrait & Fashion by FEP Federation of European Photographers.


Insties Gerador Best Portrait Nomination

Qualifications APPImagem 11 Merits in Photography + Distinguished Photographer Award + Best Advertising image and 2 Merits Video, PX3 Silver Award Portrait + Silver Award Pets + People’s Choice Award, another hi-light in his career was in 2014 when he was awarded the medal off cultural merit by the City of Caldas da Rainha he also has a Communication Arts Award of Excellence Art Director, VII Bienal de Fotografia da Moita / VII Photography Biannual Award of Moita – Honorable Mention, Moita, Portugal, XI Bienal Internacional de Arte de Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal and he was a finalist in the Olympos 72 HOUR filmmakers showdown in Canada at Tulles Fest.


Featured in several magazines and TV Programs worldwide such as:

BCC UK, Portugueses sem Fronteiras, Direct Arts Magazine, FotoVideo, Victor by Hasselblad Magazine, Photoshop Australia magazine, O Mundo da Fotografia Digital, DP Arte Fotografica, PH Magazine, Composition Magazine Israel, British Journal of Photography and Professional Photographer Magazine, Plum TV Miami, Caracol TV Columbia, RTP international and RTP 2.


Guest speaker and brand ambassador:


The Hasselblad stage

Sandisk stage and Koylab booth at Photokina in Germany, Hasselblad Studio opening in London, Hasselblad,

FOCUS events in Columbia and Brazil, BES Art and Finance,

Petcha Kutcha Lisbon and IADE Creative University

Speaker for Sandisk at MWC 2014 \ 2015 \2013, Computex 2013 Sandisk Taipei.

Spoken at Salon da Foto Paris and the World Photographers Cup in France WPPA Asia 2014.

Member of the Sandisk Extreme Team

Fuji Film Ambassador

Profoto Legend to name of few of the brands he represents.

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  • PPA Master of Photography, 1991

  • PPA Craftsman Degree, 1993

  • PPA Board of Directors, President, 2008-2009

  • PPA Chairman of the Board, 2009-2010

  • ASP- Fellowship, 1997

  • Past Chairman of the Photographic Exhibition Committee

  • World Photographic Cup Committee- 2012- current


Dennis and Lori Craft run a successful portrait studio in the historic town of Marshall, Michigan.  The studio photographs family, high school seniors, weddings, underclass schools and events, but is best known for Dennis’ imaginative children's photography. 


A Michigan Top-Ten photographer twelve times, many of his merit prints have been selected into the International Loan Collection.  Craft was named Photographer of the Year in Michigan in 1992 and 1996.  He received his Master of Photography Degree in 1991 and Photographic Craftsman Degree in 1993 from the Professional Photographers of America.   In 1997 he was awarded the Fellowship Degree from the American Society of Photographers.

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Tanya Crosbie is a multi-award winning portrait, landscape, and travel photographer.  She creates timeless portraits, specializing in newborns, children and families, in her boutique seaside studio just outside Dublin in Ireland.  When not in her studio she is traveling the world, when travel is allowed, capturing everything from epic landscapes to tiny details.


She has won countless awards for her portrait and travel work including Irish Professional Photographer of the Year in 2018.  She is an experienced photography judge and was recently the Awards Chairperson for the IPPVA where she designed and implemented numerous changes to strengthen the awards program and add value for the members.


Social Media:

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British-born, Italy-based Sarah Edmunds has been a self-employed business owner for 28 years and a professional photographer for ten, specialising in wedding, portrait and commercial beauty. She is a Fellow of The Societies of Wedding and Portrait Photographers (SWPP), and Master of WPPI.

She has been a Print Competition judge at WPPI two years running, and is a fully qualified Print Competition Judge of The Societies of Photographers. Most recently she was part of the judging team for the International Portrait Photographer of the Year, as documented in The Guardian, The Independent and The Daily Mail. 
She has been awarded over 100 silver and gold awards from international competitions, including six 1st place trophies from WPPI and the Grand Award for the online Creative Division, four 1st place trophies from The Societies of Wedding and Portrait Photographers, and from 2019 to 2020 was named Photographer of the Year four times, in Fashion, Avant Garde, Advertising and Maternity categories. Her work in wedding, fashion and portrait photography has been featured online, on billboards and in printed publications around the world.

Sarah also provides private mentoring, teaches advanced Lightroom and Photoshop techniques online, and is currently providing a series of 12 online lighting tutorials for the global lighting brand Godox, for which she is Global Educator and Brand Ambassador.


Sarah Edmunds MA, FSWPP, WPPI Master




Social media: 

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Günther Egger has been working as a professional photographer and independent businessman for over 15 years and focuses on the product itself, fashion, architecture and fine art.
Despite his daily work for luxury groups, which products he depicts with greatest precision and surprising snapshots, he dedicates himself to the critical analysis regarding luxury in his art projects. Furthermore his artworks often show dancers from the dance-company of choreograph Enrique Gasa Valga. They have been collaborating closely for many years and together they created the book “Dance, a love story”.

Egger is one of the fifty European photographers that bear the title Master QEP, won international awards and has been among the finalists of the Hasselblad Masters two times. His last great award was in the sector product photography, in which he received the “Photographer of the year 2015” award and again the "Photographer of the year 2017" award in two categories Product and Fashion.
Egger actually is also in the Hasselblad Master Final in the categorie Product, the third time. 

Instagram: guentheregger0001



A Vicente Esteban Abad, es obvio, le gustan los cuerpos y las personas. Los desnudos, los retratos… La gente.

En ese bosque de individuos y parejas, es decir, de cuerpos únicos o dobles, solos o acompañados, va creciendo la obra del alicantino Esteban Abad. Con exigencia y sentido de la realidad, sin prisas, con un notable punto de generosidad hacia los otros, evidente en la forma en que los viste o desnuda, siempre acompañados por la belleza de las mejores luces surgida a partes iguales de su mirada y de su oficio. 


No es de extrañar por ello que su trabajo diario se centre básicamente en la fotografía de estudio, el reportaje social y la fotografía de desnudo , sin descartar otros encargos procedentes de la publicidad: catálogos, calzado, complementos, alimentación.


La fusión entre los intereses fotográficos de Vicente Esteban y su actividad profesional cotidiana es tan armónica que, en ocasiones, muchos de sus trabajos adquieren la categoría de obra personal.   


MFI (Maestro Fotógrafo Instructor FEPFI)

Master of WPPI

Doble Master QEP

Kennet Havgaard.jpeg


Mit website er

Jeg har netop udgivet en ny portrætbog “Fjæs”, den kan købes her 


IG @kennetislandi



Så udgiver jeg et gratis fotomagazin der hedder LUX, det finder I her 



Kennet Islandi Havgaard
Fælledvej 16D, 2
2200 København N



John Hellström blev professionell fotograf 2012 efter han doktorerat i Expert Performance inom ämnet Idrott. Efter att ha varit amatörfotograf i över 20 år, så började han då använda sina kunskaper från tävlingsidrott och forskning till att träna mer utstuderat på sin egen fotografering och printning. I syfte att bättre förstå tävlingsfotografering så har John utbildats som domare både i UK och Sverige. 

I sitt första SM 2017 så vann John guld i klassen Bröllop. Det följdes upp av Silver 2018 i Bröllop och Dokumentär, Silver 2019 i Bröllop, samt Guld i Bröllop samt Årets Bild 2020. Internationellt har han kommit topp-10 i World Photographic Cup, tagit Europas högst rankade bröllopsbild i FEP, samt vunnit i USA på WPPI.

Han är även Landslagskapten för Svenska Landslaget i Fotografi, Mästare i Fotografi genom Sveriges Hantverksråd, samt Master of WPPI genom tävlingsmeriter i USA. 

John har haft glädjen att printa flera guldbilder åt andra fotografer i sin certifierade printstudio. Han har anlitats av bl.a. Nikon, Eizo och Album Epoca. John använder också Canson fine art papper samt Canon printers i sitt arbete. Han coachar och håller föreläsningar, gör skräddarsydda färgprofiler för skärmar och papper, samt har personlig print och mixed media art service åt andra fotografer.


Webbsida foto:

Webbsida print:

Instagram & Facebook: @johnhellstromphoto

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I am a Fine Art- Photographer from Finland and I have been working as a photographer for 16 years. During these years I have also competed in various competition with good results and I received my QEP in Fine Art Photography 2019. I am also an experienced judge, both national and international. The most recent judging for me was the WPC.

I am honored to be one the judges, once again, for the Swedish National Championships in Photography, this being my third time.

What I look for in a successful image is most of all impact and expression with a good balance of technical skills. I wish you all good luck and be proud of yourselves. Every time you enter a competition you also work on your fears and self confidence, no matter what the result in the end will be.



Scott Johnson FBIPP FSWPP Master of SWPP MCGWP MCGPPis an Internationally recognised, award-winning photographer based in Essex, U.K, and has photographed wedding all over the world.  Known for being fun and energetic, Scott also travels the world as a judge, educator and mentor.   


One of only 19 wedding photographers to achieve a Fellowship in Wedding Photography with the British Institute of Professional Photographers (BIPP) since 1901, and one of only a handful that's achieved Fellowship in two separate fields, his second being in Documentary Photography.  His documentary Fellowship on the Auschwitz camp in Poland taken entirely on film has received plaudits from across the world.  He also holds a Fellowship with the Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers (SWPP).    He is one of only four photographers to hold two ‘Master Craftsman’ with the Guild of Photographers. 


A former winner of the MPA Wedding album of the Year (2015 & 2016) in 2018, he was awarded ‘Master Photographer’ with the SWPP.  He won ‘Wedding image of the Year’ with The Guild of Photographers in 2017 and overall wedding photographer of the year in 2018. In 2019, he won the Open and Natural World category in the SWPP 20x16 print competition, as well as finishing runner-up in the Wedding Classical category.  He was the only British winner at WPPI in Las Vegas in the 2019 annual awards with first place in the Wedding Contemporary category (Gold distinction). 


He is an official Fujifilm X-Photographer, global ambassador for Fundy Software, as well at Studio Ninja.



Martin Krystýnek was born in Poprad, Slovakia and belongs to the elite category of world-class professional photographers.

He is the youngest holder of the prestigious award The Master Qualified European Photographer (MQEP), which has so far obtain only eighty professionals in the world, for his excellent and long-term work with photography. Martin has also won more than 400 international awards, making him one of the most acclaimed professionals in Europe. He regularly proves his qualities as a judge of many international competitions, exhibitions and as a professional curator.

He began his professional journey in 2010, gaining the most experience in South America in the state of Paraguay. Martin has photographed many important men and women from the world of politics, modeling, but also from business and management. His photos have been published in a number of media and publications around the world. He has an admirable talent for perceiving light, loves to take portraits and prefers natural beauty to editing and retouching. He can perfectly discover the unique beauty of each person who stands in front of his lens. He experiences the most beautiful feelings just when people enjoy taking photos, relax and still have beautiful photos for their professional presentation and memory. At the same time, through the lens, it perpetuates and documents emotions, as testimonies of the time, in engaging photo-series with an emphasis on detail.

  • Master Qualified European Photographer (MQEP)

  • President of Association of Professional Photographers of Slovak Republic

  • Board member of FEP (Federation of European Professional Photographers)

  • Committee member of WPC (World Photographic Cup)

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Jeanette driver et lite portrettstudio sammen med sin mann i Stavanger, sørvest i Norge. Studio åpnet i 1999 og hun har fotografert store deler av byens befolkning. Noen på jobb, men flest privat.  Jeanette liker mennesker, stemninger, årstider, gjensyn, samtaler, latter og melankoli. Fotografi kan være så mye forskjellig og det slutter aldri å bli interressant. Det hun liker aller best er når portretter forteller noe om hvem personen på bildet er. 

Svennebrev i 1996

Mestebrev i 1999

QEP i 2019

Dommer lokal laugskonkurranse ~2005-2020

Dommer i Norges Fotografforbunds landskonkurranse i 2006 og 2015

Digital dommer Belgisk WPC kvalifisering

FEP award  Portrait Silver Camera i 2019

Best of Nation World Photographic Cup 2020

Gull med krans. Norges Fotografforbunds høyeste konkurranseutmerkelse 2020


Instagram: @fotografjeanettelarsen

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Gerry O'Leary is an international multi award-winning photographer specialising in hospitality and architectural photography. He is acknowledged as Europe's foremost architectural photographer, and is just one of a handful of "European Masters of Architectural Photography" - a distinction conferred on him by the Federation of European Photographer's in 2007.

Gerry has amassed internationally accredited awards in his home country of Ireland, the UK​ and throughout Europe - which notably include, Irish Professional Photographer of the year, British Professional Photographer of the Year and European Commercial Photographer of the Year.

Geryye believes that "photographers are hired for their vision, they compose just like musicians and poets, they are commissioned for their ability to see and for their creative aptitude and they earn reputation accordingly". Among his favourite compliments paid to him is that "Gerry adds value to every project with his creative imagery".

He is also a highly respected international photographic judge having frequently judged in Ireland and throughout Europe. Gerry is a regular on the global panel of Hasselblad judges for their worldwide annual competition.

Now a resident of the Dubai, UAE, Gerry travels extensively on international assignments, particularly, in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.



Jos Verhoogen started his career as a press photographer 38 years ago. In the late nineties he started as a lecturer in photography and press photography at the Thomas More University  (Mechelen) in the fields of Journalism and Communication. From 2000 he switched to studio photography, mainly portrait.

But from the very beginning he specialized in birth photography. In this domain he also obtained his QEP and Master QEP. He is a pioneer in that field. Photographs during a birth were not obvious at the time and are today, about 400 births later, still not.

He received bronze (2015) and golden camera from the FEP Photographer of the year in 2016 for reportage.

In recent years he also received honors for abstract and landscape photography (Black and White Spider Awards/ International Color Awards). Was selected fo  IPA 2016 International Photo Awards,Family of Man competition Second place/Silver and the "Family of man" Documentary Photography Exhibition 10/2017 expo in Lishui China and got a Bronze Award, Monochrome category, FIAP @ China International Digital Photography Art Exhibition 11/2017.


More about me & awards and judging experience on my web site



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