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Domarna i SM i Fotografi 2019 presenteras här



Fotografi er for mig en livsstil, et arbejde og en hobby – og grænserne flydende eller ikke eksisterende. I det kommercielle arbejder jeg med at fange stemning og følelse, at fange ”mennesket” som et levende individ – som et glimt af deres ”personlighed”. Billederne er tit portrætter af enkelte eller familier, fine art nude (boudoir), gravide, nyfødte, børn etc. Gennem tiden har jeg udstillet på forskellige gallerier samt museer og været med på en hel del udstillinger andre steder.

Egen fotokunst I mine egne natur og abstrakte eller Fine Art Nude billeder er det egentligt noget af det samme. Lyset og formen er altid med og skal understøtte billedet Som fotograf arbejder jeg i mine egne billeder mere og mere med det abstrakte, måske nærmere abstraktionen, hvor tingene bliver til mere og ofte andet end de er.

For mig handler fotografiet ikke om hvad jeg ser eller om hvad virkeligheden er. Det gjorde i begyndelsen og faktisk i mange år. Det var spændende, det udviklede sig – men det var, set i bakspejlet, også en spændetrøje. Virkeligheden, så spændende og udfordrende den kan være, er egentlig uinteressant i fantasiens verden. Det uanset om fantasien udspringer af virkeligheden eller ikke. Mine egne fotografier handler fantasi, der er opstået i den måde jeg vælger at se og bruge verden i mine billeder.

Desuden underviser jeg i og holder foredrag om fotografi i Danmark, på Færøerne, Japan, Letland, Frankrig, UK, Sverige med flere.

Har været/er mentor for fotografer fra bl.a. Danmark, Norge, Sverige, UK, Holland, Belgien, Slovakiet, Frankrig m. fl.

”Chairman of the Jury” i FEP Photographer of the Year Awards 2011-18, ”Chairman of the Jury” i World Photographic Cub 2016-18. Var co-funder af World Photographic Cup og WPC Governor 2013-17. FEP President 2012-14, Har siden 2008 deltaget i bedømmelsen af kvalifikationspaneler i FEP nomineret af Dansk Fotografisk Forening. Formand for bestyrelsen, Museet for Fotokunst, 2006-13.

Stolt og glad over nu for 5 gang at fungere i Sverige - altid en fornøjelse

Domarna kommer att vara olika i den digitala bedömningen respektive i printfinalen - här nedan presenteras domarna i bokstavsordning och i samband med namnpresentationen anges även vilken del av tävlingen domaren kommer att döma, samt vilken/vilka kategorier.


TRINE BJERVIG, NORGE (Digital domare / Digital Judge)

Fotograf Trine Bjervig har sin fotofaglige utdanning fra Idefagskolen på Nøtterøy. Der studerte hun i 3 år, og har siden også arbeidet på skolen som lærer i fotofag.
I løpet av de siste årene har hun vært flittig brukt som foredragsholder i inn og utland, og har til nå kurset over 400 fotografer i nyfødtfotografering.
Trine har fra begynnelsen av sin karriere, tilhørt toppsjiktet av norske fotografer. Hun har hevdet seg helt i teten hvert år i  landskonkurransen for fagfotografer. I 2017 og 2019 kom hun på 1 plass og ble årets fotograf i Norge
Hun var blant de aller første i Norge som begynte med den formen for nyfødtfotografering vi har i dag. Det er dette området hun har valgt å spesialisere seg innenfor.
Trine elsker jobben sin, og det synes på resultatene. Hun føler seg heldig som får holde på med det hun liker aller best, og gleder seg til hver arbeidsdag. Det er et privilegium å få bli kjent med alle de fantastiske barna som kommer på besøk i studio, synes Trine. Hun får se kjærlighet mellom foreldre og barn på sine arbeidsdager. Disse øyeblikkene av pur lykke dokumenterer fotografen på best mulig måte for framtiden!
Hun får være en del av de største øyeblikkene og begivenhetene i menneskers liv. Det gjør henne ydmyk at akkurat hun blir betrodd denne rollen! Hennes fotografier skal være til glede for mennesker i flere generasjoner
Trine legger all sin stolthet i å gjøre jobben sin så godt som overhodet mulig, og det er viktig for henne at alle parter er stolte over resultatet.
Det finnes ingen samlebåndsmentalitet ved måten hun jobber på. Trine bestreber å gjøre hver fotografering unik. I dag bruker hun så mye tid på hver kunde at hun har begrenset inntaket til 3 kunder pr. uke.
Trine ønsker å være fotografen for dere som er opptatt av kvalitet og som ser verdien av godt håndverk og kreativitet i et fotografi.

instagram: @fotograf_bjervig


JULIA BOGGIO, STORBRITTANNIEN (Print-domare / Print judge)

Julia Boggio is a London-based, celebrity family photographer.


She has won a number of awards for both her business practices and her photography, including the SWPP Children’s Photographer of the Year for 2016 and 2017.


Julia has been a full-time professional photographer for 15 years, having started in weddings then moved into family portraiture and fine art. She is known for her colourful, quirky style that aims to bring out everyone’s inner superstar.


Julia has judged at WPPI for the past two years and is looking forward to coming to Sweden. You can see her work on:


PATRIZIA BURRA, ITALIEN (Print-domare / Print judge)

Patrizia Burra received the prestigious recognition from "World Photographic CUP" - WPC 2019 to be one of the ten best photographers in the world.
She was also the only photographer to represent Italy among the 36 participating Nations. Ths is a MQEP Master Quailfied European photograper, and a judge of FEP, QEP and MQEP qualifications in Europe.


Facebook :


Link at my Awards:

Link at my Bio:


ÅSA DELEAU WIKLUND, SVERIGE (Digital domare / Digital judge)

Åsa Deleau Wiklund har genom åren samlat på sig många priser inom fotografi och har tävlat mer eller mindre aktivt vissa år, bla Svensk Mästare i SM 2016, 2:a plats 2008 och 2015 och 3:e plats 2009, finalist i Hasselblad Masters i porträtt 2016, silver i porträttkategorin 2007 och 2018. Hon fick sin QEP 2017(Qualified European photographer). Distinction award i FEP 2017 och flertal nomineringar i Spider awards och Colour awards. Två domarutbildningar, suttit som jury i Oslo i Norges Landskonkurransen tidigare i år.


Åsa började fotografera när hon var 12 år, mestadels klädde hon ut vänner och lät dem vara modeller, hon sminkade dem som bla zombies, zebra, egyptiska princessor, clowner. 2002-2004 gick hon på Kulturamas yrkesfotolinje och startade samtidigt firman och tog jobb vid sidan om fotoskolan, en hel del företagsporträtt, bröllop och skolfoto blev det. 2005 öppnade hon sin första egna studio på Östermalm, flyttade 2007 till större lokal vid Odenplan och nu i juni till ännu större studio i Fredhäll med underbar takhöjd.


Hon fotograferar främst barn, både stilrent och klassiskt men även med inspiration från film, teater, klassisk konst och tidig fotografi. Hennes atelje svämmar över av fina dräkter, bakgrunder och rekvisita som används flitigt. 

Hon har många återkommande kunder och älskar att få följa familjerna och se dem växa genom åren.

Nya studion öppnar även upp mer kommersiella uppdrag och kokböcker, boken ”Minigourmeter” av Gunilla Kinn Blom, Henrietta Anefalk och Edward Blom fick mycket fina recensioner, blev nominerad för fotografierna och vann familjekategorin i internationella Gourmand Awards.


Åsa tror på att ständigt utvecklas, gå kurser, inspireras av alla sorters konst och skapa bilder där känslor och utryck får lysa igenom.  Det ska vara kul att stå framför kameran!


”Photography is memory rended visible”


Instagram @ozdeleau


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ANDERS GEIDEMARK, SVERIGE (Print-domare / Print judge)

Anders Geidemark (1963) har jobbat professionellt som fotograf, skribent, grafisk formgivare, föreläsare, fotolärare, bildredaktör och naturguide sedan 1988. Han har bland annat framfört föredrag och bildspel i sju europeiska länder, och haft ett 50-tal utställningar i Sverige och övriga Norden. Anders har producerat två egna böcker och medverkat i ett flertal andra. Egna böcker (text, bild och form): ”Stigen ur hav - av vingar skuggad” 1995, och ”Allen - Bilder av ljus och mörk ensamhet” 2004. Medlem i Föreningen Naturfotograferna (tidigare ordförande) och ansluten till IBL Bildbyrå och Getty Image. Geidemark är för närvarande bland annat verksam som svensk redaktör för den Nordiska tidskriften Natur & Foto, konstnärlig ledare för galleriet Naturfotografiska, och reseledare i samarbete med Zoom Fotoresor. 

Anders har allt sedan han som trettonåring började med naturfoto haft en förkärlek för den nordiska skogsnaturen. Favoritmotiven handlar om att visa ett djur eller en fågel i sin rätta miljö, där intressanta linjer, former och ljusstämningar bygger upp bilden. Anders kombinerar gärna olika uttrycksformer i bok- och bildspelsproduktioner. Kring detta är också Geidemark en regelbunden gästföreläsare på fotoskolor runt om i Norden.


TIINA HARING, FINLAND (Print-domare / Print judge)

Tiina Haring is mother of four children and photographer. Maternity has raised her for example a great ability to organise things and has given her a plenty of soft values. In addition, She is uncompromising in her work. She likes to meet people and illustrate different stories. Fine Art portrait photography and child photography are close to her heart. She will get inspired by Finnish oddity, nature and opportunities. She also create brand visualisations to companies by producing image banks. Tiina teaches how continue taking photos inside of companies. She likes to photograph people for different purposes.  


Tiina does not want to be “just” a photographer or professional photo shooter. She is so much more and also her job is very much more diverse.


“I do not have a studio but it's not an obstacle to studio-like images. I teach and help, design and advise, yet my company is not a school.. I am a mother! It tells about me a lot. I am in the presence of my clients moments of life that are groundbreaking every time. Expecting a child, Birth, Growth. But .. I'm more than that. I am also a woman (like every other mothers) It is extremely important to celebrate of their own self. Enjoy friends and moments. The reason may be celebrating a milestone, spontaneous experience or empowering experience.”


Tiina have been a professional photographer for about 14 years, an entrepreneur from the time about 13 years. Time is a little blurry, where does it start counting? Stories about how she begin to photograph was certainly quite typical: the first camera was grandfathers old, thanks to which she was interested in a black and white films and a darkroom. It brought the civic high school courses and the art-sized high school. She started learning professional photography in turn of the millennium, and since then she has done her work purposefully and continually developing herself. Photography became her way of expressing herself. Tiina will tell stories in the pictures and see more than beauty. has been one of the jury members in competitions and honors in the field since 2013. She achieved the Master Qualified European Photographer title in 2016. She is also the president of Finnish professional photographers association and have Master title of Finnish PPA.


“Yet my greatest achievement is to be a mother for four children under school age. It makes me, for example, a type whose strength lies in the presence and in moments. My pictures have momentum, dance, sensitivity, ambiance .. I specialize in images of people in ads or homes as wall art. A good image is always cooperation and, above all, always more than just an image.”

Instagram @rouvamusta_photos 

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ANDY HENS, TYSKLAND (Digital domare / Digital judge)

Andy Hens is a Belgian photographer and has been living in Germany for over 30 years.

Instructor for professional photography since 1996 at the handcraft-guild Dortmund.

Qualified European Photographer QEP in 2008.

Master of QEP in 2009 Belgium Art Photography

Master of QEP in 2017 UK CGI

Delegate of the Central Federation of German Professional Photographers CV for the Federation of European Photographers FEP since 2006.

Vice President of the Central Federation of German Professional Photographers CV since 2013.

ANDY HENS, Master QEP, has been awarded with the IPC Leadership Award 2014 on May 15th at the UN building in New York. The International Photographic Council (IPC) is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) of the United Nations, composed of representatives from every major sector of the photographic industry. Andy Hens is the second German photographer to receive this prestigious honour, in recognition of a far-reaching, long-standing commitment to photographers' training.

For many years Andy Hens completely committed himself to the instruction and development of professional photographers.

His judging of panels for many years in Germany and Europe and his work has brought a wider focus on professional photography in many countries. 

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SANJAY JOGIA, STORBRITTANNIEN (Print-domare / Print judge)

Sanjay is an Internationally acclaimed, award-winning photographer based in historic Harrow-On-The-Hill in Greater London, England and has photographed some of the most luxurious weddings all across Europe, India, Africa and the United States over the past 10 years making him one of the most sought-after high-end wedding photographers.

Known for his unusual creativity, Sanjay travels the world as a photographer, educator, mentor, judge and brand ambassador. He has the honour of being one of only 3 Canon Ambassadors for the wedding genre across Europe, as well as representing X-Rite, Profoto, Wacom, Fundy Software, Tether Tools and Eizo as either an ambassador or advocate

Sanjay is a Fellow of the SWPP and has earned 34 awards in only four years of entering the SWPP Annual 20x16 Print Competitions, and 35 WPPI awards (including a category 2nd place at the 2017, and 3rd place at the 2018 WPPI Annual 20x16 print competition). 

He is also a Judge for the SWPP & WPPI Annual print competitions. 
Sanjay has also been featured as one of the 6 Best Wedding Photographers in the World by Professional Photographer Magazine.

Sanjay and his wife Roshni own and run ‘Eye Jogia Photography’, a successful London based Luxury Destination Wedding Photography business, but Sanjay’s love of photography started at school with his father’s Canon AE-1 35mm film SLR camera and grew up within a culture of photography while his dad worked at the local Kodak factory for 35 years (where Sanjay also worked as a student actually manufacturing 35mm film).

A combination of this constant photocentric environment and his own creative curiosity meant that he is was self-taught and began developing his own style and approach from a young age.

He studied Architecture at the University of Bath in England all the while combining his love of photography with his architectural presentation techniques.  Having qualified as an Architect, Sanjay believes strongly that there are many parallels between his Photography his Architectural training - for example: Light, composition, space, aesthetics, surface, texture creativity are all common elements to both.

His wedding portrait images are a blend of a fashion and movie inspired approach using beauty lighting and posing techniques which are balanced with a sensitive, observant and almost portrait-like documentary approach for the majority of wedding images giving his wedding couples the best of both worlds.

Sanjay loves to teach and inspire that ‘Eureka’ moment with people whether it’s at one of his rare and exclusive workshops, or at the various seminars and conventions that he is invited to speak at globally - either way he feels a duty to help protect and shape the future of our industry.


SCOTT JOHNSON, STORBRITTANNIEN (Digital domare / Digital judge)

Scott Johnson FBIPP FSWPP Master of SWPP MCGWP MCGPPis an Internationally recognised, award-winning photographer based in Essex, U.K, and has photographed wedding all over the world.  Known for being fun and energetic, Scott also travels the world as a judge, educator and mentor.   


One of only 19 wedding photographers to achieve a Fellowship in Wedding Photography with the British Institute of Professional Photographers (BIPP) since 1901, and one of only a handful that's achieved Fellowship in two separate fields, his second being in Documentary Photography.  His documentary Fellowship on the Auschwitz camp in Poland taken entirely on film has received plaudits from across the world.  He also holds a Fellowship with the Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers (SWPP).    He is one of only four photographers to hold two ‘Master Craftsman’ with the Guild of Photographers. 


A former winner of the MPA Wedding album of the Year (2015 & 2016) in 2018, he was awarded ‘Master Photographer’ with the SWPP.  He won ‘Wedding image of the Year’ with The Guild of Photographers in 2017 and overall wedding photographer of the year in 2018. In 2019, he won the Open and Natural World category in the SWPP 20x16 print competition, as well as finishing runner-up in the Wedding Classical category.  He was the only British winner at WPPI in Las Vegas in the 2019 annual awards with first place in the Wedding Contemporary category (Gold distinction). 


He is an official Fujifilm X-Photographer, global ambassador for Fundy Software, as well at Studio Ninja.


ONNI  WILJAMI KINNUNEN, FINLAND (Print-domare / Print judge)

Onni Wiljami is an internationally multi-awarded advertising photographer and artist working from Oulu, Finland. With nearly 20 years of experience in the photography industry, coming from portrait and documentary photography, he has developed into an expert in detailed and action-packed composite photography. This year he was selected to Lürzer’s Archives 200 Best Ad Photographers worldwide.
He also works on his own art projects, which usually combine the confrontation of man and nature with a surrealistic and fantasy perspective.

Achievements in a nutshell:
4 x Gold in World Photography Cup
FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year 2018
MQEP - Master Qualified European Photographer 2015
Over 100 international awards in various worldwide competitions or @onniwiljamiphotography or @onniwiljamiphotography

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JIM LOWE, STORBRITTANNIEN (Print-domare / Print judge)

Photography has always been a passion of mine and has given me an extremely interesting and varied career.

  • Professional photographer for 45 years, self-employed for the last 34,undertaking a varied selection of advertising/commercial assignments;specialising in architectural photography for 26 years. 

  • Senior Lecturer at Falmouth University on the Marine & Natural History Photography, BA (Hons) undergraduate degree course, (2007 – 2018), Head of Subject (2013 -15) At the University I gained a Masters Degree in Education & Creative Academic practice and became a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

  • Chief Photographer at Westinghouse Brake & Signal Company an engineering firm, part of the Hawker Siddeley Group based in Chippenham. This included assignments in Hong Kong and Zimbabwe.

  • Photographer at Portsmouth Polytechnic for 6 years, mainly publicity and research photography, after 6 years head of the photographic department.

  • My first job on qualifying from Swansea College of Art was as a photographer for the Ministry of Defence based in London.


Membership of Professional Bodies

  •  Fellow of the British Institute of Professional Photography

  •  Fellow of theRoyal Photographic Society

  • SeniorFellow of the The Higher EducationAcademy

  • Qualified European Photographer, Federation of European Photographers



  • President of the British Institute of Professional Photography (1999-2000)            

  • Chairman and Director of the BIPP Program of Continuous Professional Development workshops (2001 – 2007)                                     

  • Chairman of the BIPP Marketing Committee (2000 – 2001) 

  • Member of the BIPP Qualifications and Admissions Board and Distinctions (1999 –2007) 

  • Represented the BIPP on the Skillset Forum Board,  London (2004 – 2005) 

  • Director and Council Member of the British Institute of Professional  Photography (1995-2007) 

  • Vice President of the Federation of European Photographers. (2000---2010) 

  • Chairman of the FEP qualifications board (2004--) 



Judging Experience

  • Judge on the BIPP (British Institute of Professional Photography) Qualifications and Admissions Board (1999 –2007)

  • Judge on the FEP (Federation of European Photographers) qualifications jury since 2000-

  • FEP’s Chairman of the QEP and MQEP jury since 2004

  • Judge for the Swedish Photographic Association’s print competition 2017

  • Judge for the Norwegian Photographic Association’s print competition 2018

  • Chairman of the Norwegian photographic association’s print competition 2019

  • Judge for the Finnish print competition 2018

  • Chairman of Judges for the Finnish Photographic Association’s print competition 2019

  • Chairman of the British Institute of Professional Photography’s print competition 2019

  • On-line judge for the FEP EP qualification since 2016

  • Chairman of the FEP’s Emerging Young Talent Award (FETA) now renamed Young Photographer’s Award since 2013.




DON MacGREGOR, CANADA (Digital domare / Digital judge)

Degrees and Awards:

 Professional Photographers of Canada

Fellow/Professional Photographers of Canada

Master of Photographic Arts (16 Bars)

Service Of Photographic Arts

Honorary Life Member

National Award for Service

Jousuf Karsh Lifetime Achievement Award

Qualified Judge


Professional Photographers of BC

Honorary Life Member

Fellowship Degree

Associate Degree (only five presented in 60 yrs)


Professional Photographers of America

Master Photographer (24 bars)

Photographic Craftsman

Certified Professional Photographer

National Award

Approved PPA Photographic Instructor

Ross Sandahl International Award

Warren Motts International Award


Member: Cameracraftsmen of America


Governor: World Photographic Cup 


Past President:                     Professional Photographers of Canada

                                                                 Professional Photographers of British Columbia


Director: Professional Photographers of America (Board of Directors) 2007-2013


Salon Awards  (PPOC, Western States, PPABC, PPA)


The awards podium has been visited virtually every year since obtaining membership. Photographer of the Year, Best of class, Gallery, Epcot, Fuji and aggregate awards in almost every portrait and wedding class and in many cases the awards have been received numerous times (ie wedding album awards more than ten times, portrait of a Women … 7 times and the list continues etc.)


Don has taught over 50 week long classes for PPA Affiliate schools. Don has also presented numerous programs at the national conventions of PPA, PPPOC, State and Provincial platforms. In addition, Don has presented lecture tours in China, Russia, Phillipines, Japan, Mexico and New Zealand. 


Studio History

Don MacGregor started his PROFESSIONAL career in 1970 and started MacGregor Studios in 1974. The studio has grown from a humble beginning in an apartment to a 500 sq ft store front and finally to a 3500 sq foot building in Vancouver. The studio has gone through several changes over the years. Wedding photography has comprised approx. 40% of the studio business and has been consistent over the years. Graduation portraits were a foundation in the 70’s and 80’s. The 90’s saw a dramatic focus on Lifestyle family and wall portraiture which now comprises almost 70% of the studios sales. Today, the studio focuses on family portraiture and wall décor.


JENNY PURONNE, SVERIGE (Digital domare / Digital judge)

Jenny Puronne är en tredje generationens fotograf som växte upp med mörkrummet i hemmet. Hon har alltid skapat och målat tavlor och fotograferat och har sedan 2004 arbetat professionellt som fotograf. Inriktningen är mest porträtt i studio, bröllop och familjer och barn och nyfödda.


Sin studio driver hon i Tyresö utanför Stockholm. 

Genom lek och personligt engagemang skapar hon levande bilder och fokus ligger på att få människor avslappade framför kameran. 


Hon är uttagen till Svenska Landslaget i Fotografi och 2018 fick hon titeln Qualified European Photographer av Federation of European Photographers.


Jenny har även två domarutbildningar inom fotografering.

Efter att ha börjat tävla med bilder har skapandet och tänka ”utanför boxen” kommit allt mer.

Att hela tiden utvecklas genom att prova något nytt varje år har placerat Jenny i toppen med guld, silver och bronsplaceringar i tidigare SM. Hon har även topp-placeringar internationellt med bl.a. sjunde plats i World Photographic Cup och silver i porträtt i European Photographers of the year.

Gesällbrev fotografi

QEP Qualidied European Photographer 2018

Silvercamera European Photographer of the year

7:th place World Photographic Cup, Portrait

Gold Paris Photo Prize 2018

15 silver WPPI, Wedding Portrait Photographer International

Top in IPA, One Eye Land and more.

INSTAGRAM @jennypuronne_photoartist



VIKTOR SUNDBERG - SVERIGE (Digital domare / digital judge)

Viktor Sundberg är född 1977 i Echuca, Australien och uppväxt i både England och Sverige. Numera är han bosatt i Mölnlycke, strax utanför Göteborg. Han började fotografera i slutet på 90-talet och är professionell fotograf, författare och utbildare sedan 2002. 


Förutom att arbeta med uppdragsfotografering brinner Viktor för att lära ut foto och har hållit egna fotokurser i över 15 år. Viktor är även författare till de populära fotoböckerna Fotoskolan 1 och Fotoskolan 2 som används som kurslitteratur i flera fotoutbildningar.


Som ung spenderade Viktor somrarna bland klippor och hav i Bohuslän. Därför känner han en speciell relation till just dessa landskap. Han har alltid varit intresserad av kusten, havet och marina djur och har därför även studerat marinbiologi, ekologi och evolutionsteori på universitet vid sidan av sina ekonomistudier. Viktors passion för djur, natur och naturfoto går inte att ta miste på!


Fokusområden inom naturfotografi är landskap och fåglar. Landskapen växlar mellan dramatik och fridfullhet, är ofta vemodiga och samspelar nästan alltid med vatten på ett eller annat sätt. Med sina bilder på fåglar försöker Viktor fånga en känsla snarare än att dokumentera. Själva arten har alltid varit av mindre betydelse. En naturbild får gärna vara abstrakt, mystisk eller realistisk, men bör alltid vara förankrad i verkligheten. Att sprida förståelse och inspiration genom att visa upp naturens spektakulära mångfald har alltid varit ett av huvudmålen med Viktors bilder.


Viktor är en flitig föredragshållare och är ofta publicerad i respekterade magasin, tidskrifter och böcker. Viktor har flera fina placeringar i Nordiska mästerskapen i Naturfoto (NNPC) och är även medlem i Naturfotograferna och PhotoNatura.







RUI TEIXIERA, PORTUGAL (Digital domare / Digital judge)

Rui Teixeira is exclusively dedicated to Wedding Photography.

Master QEP and QEP Wedding by FEP.

Double Master Photographer by APPImagem.

Several works awarded in WPPI, Fearless, WPJA, Forum of Photographers and WPS.


TIM WALDEN, USA (Digital domare / Digital judge)

Tim took over Walden’s Photography from his father in 1980, taking the studio in an entirely different direction when he developed the Walden trademark “Relationship” Black and White Fine Art portraiture. Today, he and his wife Beverly run a high-end studio, providing beautifully crafted images for their clients as well as traveling the world teaching and sharing with other photographers.

Tim Walden, M.Photog.Hon.M.Photog.Cr.CPP,F-ASP

  • PPA-Photographic Master and Craftsman Degrees

  • ASP-Photographic Fellowship Degree

  • PPA President 2012-2013

  • PPA Chairman of the Board 2013-2014

  • Member of Society of 25 (XXV)

  • Member of CameraCraftsmen of America

  • IPC (International Photographic Council) Leadership Award 2014

  • Kodak Mentor and Teacher

  • Internationally Approved Juror

  • International Speaker

  • National Award Winner

  • Imaging Excellence Award Recipient

  • Gerhard Bakker Award for outstanding service through education in the field of photography and visual communications


Contact Info: Walden’s Photography

2901 Richmond Rd

Suite 140-345

Lexington, KY 40509






NEIL WARNER, IRLAND (Digital domare / Digital judge)

Neil Warner Fbipp,Fmpa,FippaCr,Mqep is president of the IPPVA irish professional photographers and videographers association and a Board  member of the Federation of European photographers.


Neil was a founding member  and governor of the World Photographic Cup .

He is the only photographer to win the title of irish professional photographer of the year on three occasions . He holds three fellowships and was  only the 13 th photographer to be awarded the  European masters award .


He was a prize winner on three occasions in the Towergate fine art competition. He has been a member of the Fujifilm North American talent team.


His photography and video projects have taken him from st.Petersburg in Russia to California in the US. He has recently completed projects in Dubai and Vietnam.


He is a corporate photographer based in Galway on the west coast of Ireland. More and more his work has become focused on his video productions focusing on technology .


Neil is unusual in so much that he holds a number of marketing qualifications.


He is Married to Dr Mary Warner and has three adult children


Facebook. neil warner


LinkedIn. Warner corporate photography


LAILA VERSEMAN, DANMARK (Digital domare / Digital judge)

Laila Versemann er autodidakt fotograf med en lang grafisk baggrund. Hun laver portrætter og især boudoir til private. Hun arbejder meget som kommerciel fotograf med vægt på portrættet.

Hun har fotograferet siden 2013, og hun har være medlem af dff, Dansk Fotografisk Forening siden 2015.

Her har hun taget kvalifikationskurser og er dermed anderkendt som dff Master i 2016, dff Qualified Master i 2017 samt Qualified European Photographer (QEP) gennem Federation of European Photographers i 2017.

Hun har yderligere certificeret sig til billeddommer gennem dff i 2018, og har i 2019 været dommer i NFF’s Landskonkurranse samt for Colour Art Photo Danmark.

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