Domarna i SM i Fotografi 2020 presenteras här
Huvuddomarens uppgift är att vara support för jurypanelen och se till så att de tex. håller tider, följer reglerna och är införstådda med bedömningssystemet. Huvuddomaren gör ingen bildbedömning om han/hon inte behöver hoppa in för att ersätta någon i den ordinarie panelen tex vi risk för jäv.
Digitaldomare bedömer bilderna i den digitala deltävlingen. Olika domare bedömer olika kategorier baserat på varje domares unika kompetens. Den digitala bedömningen görs online med stöd av huvuddomaren.
Printdomare bedömer de printade bilderna i printfinalen. Olika domare bedömer olika kategorier baserat på varje domares unika kompetens. Printbedömningen sker live inför publik i samband med SM-eventet och som en sluten slutjurering innan prisutdelningen.
Hur går urvalsprocessen till vid val av domare och hur agerar domarna under arbetet? Här hittar du information som från huvuddomare Jörgen Brandt!
Domarna kommer att vara olika i den digitala bedömningen respektive i printfinalen - här nedan presenteras domarna i bokstavsordning och i samband med namnpresentationen anges även vilken del av tävlingen domaren kommer att döma, samt vilken/vilka kategorier.

Fotografi er for mig en livsstil, et arbejde og en hobby – og grænserne flydende eller ikke eksisterende. I det kommercielle arbejder jeg med at fange stemning og følelse, at fange ”mennesket” som et levende individ – som et glimt af deres ”personlighed”. Billederne er tit portrætter af enkelte eller familier, fine art nude (boudoir), gravide, nyfødte, børn etc. Gennem tiden har jeg udstillet på forskellige gallerier samt museer og været med på en hel del udstillinger andre steder.
Egen fotokunst I mine egne natur og abstrakte eller Fine Art Nude billeder er det egentligt noget af det samme. Lyset og formen er altid med og skal understøtte billedet Som fotograf arbejder jeg i mine egne billeder mere og mere med det abstrakte, måske nærmere abstraktionen, hvor tingene bliver til mere og ofte andet end de er.
For mig handler fotografiet ikke om hvad jeg ser eller om hvad virkeligheden er. Det gjorde i begyndelsen og faktisk i mange år. Det var spændende, det udviklede sig – men det var, set i bakspejlet, også en spændetrøje. Virkeligheden, så spændende og udfordrende den kan være, er egentlig uinteressant i fantasiens verden. Det uanset om fantasien udspringer af virkeligheden eller ikke. Mine egne fotografier handler fantasi, der er opstået i den måde jeg vælger at se og bruge verden i mine billeder.
Desuden underviser jeg i og holder foredrag om fotografi i Danmark, på Færøerne, Japan, Letland, Frankrig, UK, Sverige med flere.
Har været/er mentor for fotografer fra bl.a. Danmark, Norge, Sverige, UK, Holland, Belgien, Slovakiet, Frankrig m. fl.
”Chairman of the Jury” i FEP Photographer of the Year Awards 2011-18, ”Chairman of the Jury” i World Photographic Cub 2016-18. Var co-funder af World Photographic Cup og WPC Governor 2013-17. FEP President 2012-14, Har siden 2008 deltaget i bedømmelsen af kvalifikationspaneler i FEP nomineret af Dansk Fotografisk Forening. Formand for bestyrelsen, Museet for Fotokunst, 2006-13.
Stolt og glad over nu for 6 gang at fungere i Sverige - altid en fornøjelse

Master of Photography; Photographic Craftsman.; Honorary Master of Photography.CPP (PPA)
Bert Behnke owns Behnke Photographers, a studio established in 1956 by Bert’s parents, along with his wife Cindy. He has won numerous awards in salon print competitions as well as serving his professional associations. Bert has taught or lectured on photography all across the USA and North America as well as in Europe, South America and Asia.
Bert is a past president of the Professional Photographers of America (PPA), the Associated Professional Photographers of Illinois (APPI), the Frankfort (IL) Chamber of Commerce, as well as a Past President of the World Council of Professional Photographers (WCPP). He also was the founder of PPA Charities and Photographers for Charity, as well as a member of the World Photographic Cup organizing Committee.
Awards & Honors
Bert has been awarded the Master of Photography, Photographic Craftsman and Honorary Master of Photography degrees from PPA as well as the National Award from his state affiliate. He was honored as Portrait Photographer of the Year from the International Photographic Council, a non-profit branch of the United Nations. He is a PPA Affiliated Judge and an Honorary Fellow of APP of Illinois.
Bert is also a partner in the popular After Dark Education workshops, PhotoPro EXPO and Inspired Adventures, which hosts photography tours each year.
E-mail: bert@behnkephoto.com

Fotograf Trine Bjervig har sin fotofaglige utdanning fra Idefagskolen på Nøtterøy. Der studerte hun i 3 år, og har siden også arbeidet på skolen som lærer i fotofag.
I løpet av de siste årene har hun vært flittig brukt som foredragsholder i inn og utland, og har til nå kurset over 400 fotografer i nyfødtfotografering.
Trine har fra begynnelsen av sin karriere, tilhørt toppsjiktet av norske fotografer. Hun har hevdet seg helt i teten hvert år i landskonkurransen for fagfotografer.
I 2017 kom hun på 1 plass og ble årets fotograf i Norge. I 2018 ble hun tildelt prisen for årets beste barnebilde. Hun fikk også Gull med krans, som er Norges fotografforbund sin høyeste utmerkelse.
I 2019 ble hun igjen kåret til Årets fotograf i Norge.

Luke Edmonson is a master photographer, global speaker, educator, and print competition judge, and that's the last time I'm going to refer to myself in the 3rd person.
"Hands down participating in both online and print competitions has provided the most significant and beneficial learning experience for me to grow as a photographer. From my initial forays as an entrant and later moving into judging in the Europe, Australia, Asia, and the USA, I'm consistently amazed by the depth of talent and innovation from our international photographic community."
Within, the WPPI Honors of Excellence program, I've earned the distinction of Grand Master of Photography while also serving in the roles of Competition Director, Print Chair, and as a Judge. It was also a privilege to be one of the co-founders and first graduates of WPPI-C, the industry's first of its kind certification for wedding & portrait photographers.
My Fellowship from the SWPP (UK) means more to me than most of the other accolades due to the high degree of difficulty in achieving it. Other past accolades include winning the International Photographer of the Year in the AIPP (Australia) APPA competition, as well as earning Diamond Photographer of the Year from PPA (USA.) I hold the Master of Photography and Photographic Craftsman degrees there as well.
Awards are lovely but shouldn't define us. My most significant joy is serving others, whether that was as President of the Dallas PPA local guild, being a former board member for Texas PPA, serving on PPA's Speaker Selection committee, or speaking at photography conventions.
You may also enjoy seeing some of the behind the scenes edutainment videos we've made for Godox easily found on Youtube. One of my goals is to advance the profession of photography as an art form. To that end, I'm a member of Cameracraftsman of America, one of the oldest, most prestigious groups in the world.
But you know what's best?
I'm a husband, father, brother, and son with two awesome kids and a wife that I adore!
Let's Connect!

Tobias Fischer har jobbat som fotograf sedan 1995. Tobias arbetar primärt med redaktionella och kommersiella porträtt men har också en bred repertoar vid sidan av det. Exempelvis har han gjort åtskilliga reportage, reklamfotograferingar och privata porträtt. Genom åren har han plåtat allt från kungligheter och världsartister till fotomodeller och människor i vardagen.
Publicerad i hundratals tidningar och magasin, både svenska och utländska och med bokomslag, skivomslag, reklamkampanjer, klädkollektioner i bagaget sitter Tobias Fischer på både lång erfarenhet och stor kunskap inom fotografering.
Som yrkesman betraktar sig Tobias inte bara som en dokumentärskildrare, utan även som en kreatör som med ljusets hjälp vill skildra sin personliga tolkning av motivet ifråga. Just ljussättningen är ett av hans signum som fotograf, vare sig det handlar om att på konstgjord väg skapa de optimala förutsättningarna för en bild, eller om det handlar om att ta tillvara befintligt ljus på absolut bästa sätt. Oavsett om det handlar om teknik, mat eller människor så vittnar Tobias bilder om kärlek till detaljerna och en anslående känsla för färg, former och linjer.
Utöver sitt arbete som fotograf arbetar Tobias en hel del pedagogiskt. Han är sedan många år en uppskattad föreläsare och gästlärare – bland annat på Nordens Fotoskola, Södertörns Högskola och på Bergs.
Hemsida: tobiasfischer.se
Instagram: @tobiasfischer

I love photography. What we do as photographers is priceless and the value of our work lives on for generations to come. Photography is my way of expressing my inner world, it is where I identify as an artist. I have worked as a photographer for 16 years of which I have had a business for 12. I am a portrait photographer and what I love the most is Fine Art. My personal Fine Art -projects are the ones that have brought me the most success and fulfillment in my career. I have had good success in various international awards and I received my QEP back in 2018 in Georgia.
The importance of staying true to your own vision when you create is what I strongly voice out to anyone in this field. My future in this field will be more about giving back by coaching, mentoring and doing workshops, it is what my heart is telling me to do. I have a long history of judging images for competition. I judged the Finnish National Competition (Now a days FPA) for several years (2012-2018) and I also had the honor to be the Head Judge during that time. I have been one of the judges for Svenska Mästerskapet once before in 2017 and the most recent judging was for team Norway and their national competition earlier this year. I have high respect for anyone who enters images to competition, I appreciate every image I get to judge. I am grateful for being part of your competition and I am really excited to see all the beautiful art you have created. Lycka till!
My website: www.mikaelaholmberg.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/holmberg_mikaela & wwww.instagram.com/morkcollective

Scott Johnson FBIPP FSWPP Master of SWPP MCGWP MCGPPis an Internationally recognised, award-winning photographer based in Essex, U.K, and has photographed wedding all over the world. Known for being fun and energetic, Scott also travels the world as a judge, educator and mentor.
One of only 19 wedding photographers to achieve a Fellowship in Wedding Photography with the British Institute of Professional Photographers (BIPP) since 1901, and one of only a handful that's achieved Fellowship in two separate fields, his second being in Documentary Photography. His documentary Fellowship on the Auschwitz camp in Poland taken entirely on film has received plaudits from across the world. He also holds a Fellowship with the Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers (SWPP). He is one of only four photographers to hold two ‘Master Craftsman’ with the Guild of Photographers.
A former winner of the MPA Wedding album of the Year (2015 & 2016) in 2018, he was awarded ‘Master Photographer’ with the SWPP. He won ‘Wedding image of the Year’ with The Guild of Photographers in 2017 and overall wedding photographer of the year in 2018. In 2019, he won the Open and Natural World category in the SWPP 20x16 print competition, as well as finishing runner-up in the Wedding Classical category. He was the only British winner at WPPI in Las Vegas in the 2019 annual awards with first place in the Wedding Contemporary category (Gold distinction).
He is an official Fujifilm X-Photographer, global ambassador for Fundy Software, as well at Studio Ninja.

Natalie Licini is an award-winning master photographer and global speaker who received accolades for ethical business practices while working on Wall Street, and has a studio in a historic New Jersey castle for her flagship studio, Je Revele. Early in 2017, Natalie acquired a New York wedding photography studio.
With a degree in business from NYU applied to her businesses, Natalie has still found time to give back to her community. Among other efforts, she formed Chaata to temporarily bridge economic gaps and raise money for children with cancer.
Natalie has been recognized by the 21st Century Business Women Conference and is a recipient of the Joann Regan Business Woman Leadership Award.
Natalie has been published in the NY Times, Loan Collection book, The Knot, Rangefinder, Professional Photographer, and more. Her work has been featured on CBS and ABC, and her marketing and branding videos are used as course material by the New York Institute of Photography.
My instagram is @jerevele

Vincent O’Byrne is a successful Commercial Photographer and Retoucher working out of Dublin, Ireland. His clients include advertising agencies, design houses and architects. His is considered one of the finest still life photographers in the country. He has won too many awards, exhibited too many times to mention and has been recognized by his peer throughout his native Ireland, across Europe and further afield.
He was first Irish photographer to achieve the Master Qualified European Photographer (MQEP) with the Federation of European Photographers (FEP), the highest accolade in professional photography in Europe. He was the first and only triple country winner of the much coveted Kodak European Gold Portrait Awards. He is a Fellow of the Irish Professional Photographers Association, a pas Fellow of the Master Photographers Association and the British Institute of Professional Photography. He is a Master with the Guild of Phothographers and is a past chairperson of the BPPA Awards and pas chairperson of the IPPA Awards programme. He is a past President of the Irish Professional Photographers Association and the Master Photographers Association.
His personal work takes the form of Fine Art Fantasy Images and he has established a global reputation in this genre. He saw third in Illustrative and ninth in Advertising in the World Photographic Cup in 2018, the first Irish photographer to achieve such recognition in this competition. He frequently travels at the request of respected international Photographic Organizations to present his acclaimed Masterclasses. He is an educator and a co-author of “The Book of Judges” which illustrates how the various Professional Associations throughout the globe conduct their Professional Qualifications and print competition Awards. He is constantly in demand to judge at the highest levels of Professional Photography, both at home and abroad.
FB: www.facebook.com/vobyrne
Instagram: winnieob

Jenny Puronne driver en fotostudio i Tyresö /Stockholm sen 2005
Hennes inriktning är porträtt av nyfödd, barn, familjer, bröllop.
Även företagsporträtt.
Som specialitet skapar hon digitala illustrationer och konst genom foto.
Hon har varit uttagen två gånger till Svenska Landslaget i Fotografi och kom på sjunde plats 2018.
2018 fick hon även titeln Qualified European Photographer av Federation of European Photographers. (QEP)
Jenny har även två domarutbildningar inom fotografering.
Tidigare erfarenhet av jury.
2018 Digital domare, Årets porträttfotograf (svenska porträttfotografers förbund)
2019 Digital domare, Svenska Mästerskapet i fotografi
2020 Digital domare, World photographic Cup (WPC)
Efter att ha börjat tävla med bilder har skapandet och tänka ”utanför boxen” kommit allt mer. Att hela tiden utvecklas genom att prova något nytt varje år har placerat Jenny i toppen med guld, silver och bronsplaceringar i tidigare SM. Hon har även topp-placeringar internationellt med bl.a. sjunde plats i World Photographic Cup och silver i porträtt i European Photographers of the year.
Jenny är en av fotolärarna i Fotoakademien som är en portal för utbildning av fotografer både personlig utveckling, fotografering och redigering.
Under de senare åren anordnar Jenny även workshops i kreativa porträtt och coachar i foto samt tar uppdrag som mentor.
Fotograf Mästare 2020 (Mästarbrev)
Gesällbrev fotografi
QEP Qualified European Photographer 2018
Silver Camera European Photographer of the year
7:th place World Photographic Cup, Portrait
Gold Paris Photo Prize 2018
15 silver WPPI, Wedding Portrait Photographer International
16 Silver Awards WPE awards
Finalist and awards in IPA, One Eye Land and more.
INSTAGRAM @jennypuronne
FACEBOOK facebook.com/slottstudion
Workshop och utbildning

Miriam runs a small studio in Averøy/ Kristiansund at the north west coast of
Norway (Mitt lille studio) since 2012. Her speciality is newborns, but she does
all kinds of portraits, through all ages, both private and business.
In 2016 she won Landskonkurransen in Norway and the title Norwegian
Photographer of the Year in the annual national competition for professional
photographers held by Norges Fotografforbund, NFF (The Norwegian
photography association)
In 2018 and 2019 she won the title local Photographer of the Year of in the
annual local competitions for professional photographers, held by the local
groups of Norges Fotografforbund. (Møre og Romsdal Fotograflaug) and in
2017 she place 2nd.
In 2019 she earned the title Qualified European Photographer of the Federation
of European Photographer. (QEP)
She has also won several single awards in WPPI, EPOTY (European
Photographer of the Year), One Eyeland, among others.
Miriam has done two judging courses, one in Oslo by the NFF, the Norwegian
photography association and one in Prague by FEP, Federation of European
Former judging experience:
2017 Digital jury, Landskonkurransen, Norge
2017 Print jury, SM i Fotografi, Sverige
2019 Digital jury, Lokal laugskonkurranse, NFF
2020 Digital jury, Lokal laugskonkurranse, NFF
Instagram: @mittlillestudio
Facebook: facebook.com/mittlillestudio

Place, 6 Second and 4 Third Place Awards, International Portrait Image of the Year Award, Winner of the coveted WPPI Grand Award, Double Master distinction from WPPI and a half a point away from a Triple Master, Canon Camera International CPS Image of the Year Award; featured articles and covers of magazines around the world; featured artist in documentary LAaRT on PBS TV. Cheryl is honored to be a Print Judge for WPPI International Print Competition, and digital image judge for Rise International Awards. She is the co-author of printing education website PerfectPrintClub.com and is a contributor to online education site ProEdu.com.
Social media and website links:

Ib Westersoe has been in photography for a long time and long enough to be able to handle both film in darkroom and digital in Photoshop - large format cameras as well as small format cameras.
Composition has always been a main subject for Ib Westersoe trying to keep order in all elements and aspects influencing and making a great photograpic image.
Over the years Ib Westersoe has been responsible for the qualification educational system that aims to create artistic and highly skilled photographers in “dff” the Danish Protographic Society for professional photographers and been working with education of Danish photo-judges. Before the responsibility for the system he reached the highest level "dff/Supreme Qualified Masterphotographer" with only 5 members so far.
Ib Westersoe has been member of several judging boards and been chief judge several times.
As early as 1998 Ib Westersoe became “Danish Photographer of the year” and always among winning photographers in competitions. The later years have been spent by supporting the photographic society more than competing but still there was an image among the ten best at “World Photographic Cup” in the subject commercial photography.
The most important personal achievement has been working with fineart boudoir images developing a personal style which led to the title "dff/Supreme Qualified Masterphotographer"
Today the business is spreading out to a more diverse version with video, graphic design and business development through partnerships. https://www.propagandakontoret.dk/

Skapandet är min passion. Kreativiteten i fotograferandet ger mig sån glädje.
Jag är yrkesfotograf sedan 23 år tillbaka men detta är inte ett jobb för mig, det är en livsstil. Första platsen i mitt hjärta håller såklart min familj, min man och mina två barn, men därefter kommer kärleken till bilden och skapandet.
Mitt fokus har alltid varit människor och jag har i alla år haft uppdrag både för företagssidan och för privatpersoner. Efter många år med de mer traditionella porträtten och bröllop valde jag att satsa mer på Fine Art porträtt, som tilltalar den skapande själen i mig. Där har jag nu funnit min stora drivkraft och passionen har fått nytt bränsle.
Min entusiasm för bilder delar jag gärna med mig av och tankar på att föreläsa för andra fotografer fick mig att börja tävla i foto för 5 år sedan för att se så att jag ”höll måttet” och tävlande har gett mig otroligt mycket och varit så oerhört utvecklande för mig som kreatör, men även format vänskapsband med fotografer från hela världen.
Totalt har det blivit närmare 90 stycken nationella och internationella priser, i både digitala och i print-tävlingar. Jag är nu ute och föreläser och anordnar workshops som en del av mitt jobb och har hittills haft turer i Sverige och våra grannländer Norge och Finland.
Jag är stolt och glad över alla utmärkelser och det senaste året har varit rent omtumlande med förra årets finalplats i World Photographic cup, och Svensk Mästare i Fotografi hösten 2019. Början på 2020 startade fantastiskt med 3 topp 3 placeringar i London på SWPP, och där vann jag Porträttkategorin och blev utnämnd till 2020´s Print competition´s Overall Portrait photographer of the Year. Detta följdes av 3 Guld-awards, en första plats, och en andra plats och en tredje plats i Las Vegas på WPPI samtidigt som jag där erhöll min Master of WPPI titel. Och i FEP nu i våras, vann jag bronskameran i Mode och tog hem Guldkameran och första plats i Porträtt.
Alldeles nyligen blev det ytterligare en fin vinst i WPE´s second digital competition där jag med 11 silver awards kom på en hedrande Grand Awards 3e plats.
Med mina år som tävlande och all den tid jag har spenderat i livejurering, lyssnat och lärt så har jag nu fått flera förfrågningar som domare och senaste fina uppdrag var för Norska landskonkurrensen. Så väldigt roligt, givande och ärofyllt.
Jag vet hur det är att våga lämna ut sig till bedömning av bilder man har lagt ner sin själ i och jag har all respekt för er som har modet och viljan att utvecklas. Att vinna ett pris är såklart roligt men att dela upplevelsen med andra och att växa i sitt fotograferande är den stora vinsten!
Jag är tacksam för förtroende att vara printdomare på SM i Fotografi och hoppas kunna bidra till en professionell och givande tävling!
Insta: martina_warenfeldt , mstudio.se
Pinterest: mwarenfeldt

Trevor E R Yerbury is a 4th generation photographer currently based in Edinburgh – Scotland.
He has received many accolades during his career including Fellowships of 3 major photographic bodies and in 2014 received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the industry and was also invited to become a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society, a rare honour.
Trevor now is Chairman of the RPS Applied panel.
President Derek Birch said: “This very special DIRECT Royal Society Fellowship honour is only ever given to individuals who have an international reputation".
A portrait photographer he specialises in Fine Art Nudes and has had, along with his wife and business partner Faye, had exhibitions of work in Edinburgh – London – Paris – Vancouver – Madrid – Valetta – Copenhagen as well as having work featured in many magazines and books.
In 2003, the Yerbury’s talent was commissioned to supply the entire artwork for the new 5* Glasshouse Hotel which comprised over 260 art nude images from their archive.
Trevor Yerbury is a 4th generation photographer the business founded by his great grandfather in Edinburgh in 1864. Trevor was born in 1951 and joined the family business straight from boarding school in 1969. He underwent a 4-year apprenticeship where he experienced working in a daylight studio, using tungsten lighting before studio flash began to take over. In 1978 Trevor met Faye who was styling a shoot he was on and they eventually got together in 1979 have been inseparable ever since as husband and wife.
With such a history in photography it is not surprising that Trevor has a keen interest in
Vintage printing techniques especially platinum/palladium printing, which he first
experimented with back in the mid 80’s. In 2017 Trevor and Faye had a bespoke darkroom built in the grounds of their home specifically for platinum/palladium printing producing unique images which are sold through galleries around the world.
Trevor is passionate that his work is simple and elegant with a classic, sophisticated look.
Trevor & Faye are highly respected International Chairman and Judges globally
Trevor is Chair of qualifications and print competition for the Royal Photographic Society, and judges for The Master Photographers Association, MPA Far East Singapore, I Am Photographer Baltic States, MPIO Canada.
The Yerburys now devote much of their time to their seminar and workshop programme, convinced that education is essential for today’s professional photographer and they are committed to providing a platform and an environment in which all levels of photographers can come together and develop their own individual creative talents.
Exhibitions and Judging
Vancouver- London- Tallinn- Copenhagen- Edinburgh- Valletta- Paris- Cologne- Ghent- Dublin- Belfast-Tours- Lanzarote- Fuerteventura- Tunisia – Singapore
Regular contributor to magazine, books, television, radio and the Internet.
Trevor & Faye are regular platform speakers – Photokina Cologne – The Photography Show – UK – French Federation – Tours – German Federation – Cologne – Danish Federation – Copenhagen – Spanish Federation – Madrid – Canadian Federation – Vancouver – Irish Federation – Dublin.
Their first book a beautiful coffee table printed in duotone in Italy was available from December 2017
Their second book SILVER, featuring their work from the mid 1980’s through to 2018 using traditional film was published in March 2019.
Both are Limited Edition duotone books printed by EBS in Verona, Italy.
Facebook – Trevor E R Yerbury