"This was the favorite of the jury, because we love fairytales and we saw a fairytale in it."
A Light in the Woods - Hanna Neret
Svensk Mästare i Baby: Elin Stahre
Silver: Elin Stahre
Brons: Elin Stahre
Svensk Mästare i Klassiskt barnporträtt: Hélena Parmér
Silver: Hanna Neret
Brons: Kristin Sagebro
Svensk Mästare i Kreativt barnporträtt: Hanna Neret
Silver: Martina Wärenfeldt
Brons: Hanna Neret
Svensk Mästare i Bröllop - porträtt: Ida Carlsson
Silver: John Hellström
Brons: John Hellström
Svensk Mästare i Bröllop - dokumentär: John Hellström
Silver: John Hellström
Brons: Caroline Landin
Svensk Mästare i Familj/Grupp: Malin Sayavong
Silver: Martina Wärenfeldt
Brons: Lena Lee
Svensk Mästare i Digital illustration: Sara Victoria Sandberg
Silver: Hanna Neret
Brons: Anna Almén
Svensk Mästare i Dokumentär: Susanne Nyström
Silver: Agneta Dellefors
Brons: Erik Hellquist
Svensk Mästare i Fine Art: Anna Almen
Silver: Linda Persson
Brons: John Hagby
Svensk Mästare i Gravid: Martina Wärenfeldt
Silver: Elin Stahre
Brons: Martina Wärenfeldt
Svensk Mästare i Klassiskt porträtt: Elin Stahre
Silver: Sara Rossi
Brons: Hélena Parmér
Svensk Mästare i Kreativt porträtt: Jenny Ivarsson
Silver: Martina Wärenfeldt
Brons: Martina Wärenfeldt
Svensk Mästare i Kommersiellt/Mode/Arkitektur: Niklas Englund
Silver: Niklas Englund
Brons: Niklas Englund
Svensk Mästare i Tama Djur: Lina Kronholm
Silver: Ida Levin
Brons: Maria Lindberg
Svensk Mästare i Natur - Landskap: Peter Kåveland
Silver: Ulrika Hemmingsson
Brons: Eimi Thorén
Svensk Mästare i Natur - Vilda Djur: John Hellström
Silver: Caroline Cederschiöld Jansson
Brons: Andreas Hemb
Huvuddomarens uppgift är att vara support för jurypanelen och se till så att de tex. håller tider, följer reglerna och är införstådda med bedömningssystemet. Huvuddomaren har inte som uppgift att bedöma några bilder, men kan behöva hoppa in för att ersätta någon i den ordinarie panelen, till exempel vid risk för jäv.
Digitaldomare bedömer bilderna i den digitala kvaltävlingen. Olika domare bedömer olika kategorier baserat på varje domares unika kompetens. Den digitala bedömningen görs online med stöd av huvuddomaren.
Printdomare bedömer de printade bilderna i printfinalen. Olika domare bedömer olika kategorier baserat på varje domares unika kompetens. Printbedömningen sker i två steg. Först en öppen jurering, live i samband med SM-eventet. Sedan en sluten jurering där topp-placeringarna fastställs.
Hur går urvalsprocessen till vid val av domare och hur agerar domarna under arbetet?
HÄR hittar du information om detta som huvuddomare Jörgen Brandt skrivit.
LÄS MER om huvuddomaren genom att klicka på bilden i översikten nedan.
Läs mer om varje domare genom att klicka på respektive bild i översikten nedan.
(Information om domarna fylls på allteftersom.)
LÄS MER om varje domare genom att klicka på respektive bild i översikten nedan.
For me, photography is a way of life, a job and a hobby – and the boundaries are often fluid or non-existent.
The light and form must always be there and must support the image. As a photographer, in my personal images, I work more and more with the abstract, perhaps closer to abstraction, where things become “more” and often “other” than they are.
Been a mentor for photographers from, among others, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Slovakia, France, etc.
Has taught and lectured on photography in Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Japan, Latvia, France, UK, Sweden and more.
President, Federation of European Professional Photographers (FEP) 2012-14
Chairman of the Jury, FEP Photographer of the Year 2011-18
Chairman of the Jury, World Photographic Cub 2016-18
Co-founder & Governor 2013-17 World Photographic Cup
Qualification Judge FEP 2008-
Chairman of the Board, Museum of Photographic Art, Odense, Denmark, 2006-13
Awards, selection:
Master QEP – Master Qualified European Photographer (http://www.europeanphotographers.eu)
The Master Qualified European Photographer (MQEP) Certificate is awarded to photographers who have demonstrated an outstanding command of their craft.
Supreme qualified master>photo-dk (https://dff-photo.dk/) awarded in recognition of outstanding, creative and technically perfect work within a chosen specialty. The work must be individual and express a particularly personal style, just as the approach to the subject is expected to be characterized by originality.
Fellow British Institute of Professional Photography (bipp.com)
Technical ability at the highest level, crafting images to an uncompromised standard. Demonstrating excellent all-round technical ability, preparation and production of flawless mounted prints clearly showing personalised style and creativity.
FEP Fine Art Nude Book Prize 2020 for the book 3 x 3 x 3 SENSUALITY, EMOTIONS, TRANSFORMATION
Photographers Jorgen Brandt, Pascal Baetens, Martin Vrabko. This work highlights the creativity of three photographers while remaining true to the collective work of the artists as a group. The layout and printing are excellent and enhance the quality of the nudes.
FEP Merit Award 2018 in recognition of meritorious service rendered in his position as Chairman of the FEP Photographer of the Year Competition 2011-18
Warren Motts International Service Award 2015 (Professional Photographers of America - ppa.com)
Warren Motts International Service Award is presented to individuals who have made major contributions in promoting and developing professional photography on an international level. The award is not necessarily conferred each year, and a maximum of 25 may be given.
Acted as a judge/chief judge in image competitions in Denmark, Sweden, Europe (FEP), for the EU, Spain, France, Australia, China as well as in a Nordic Competition etc
Proud and happy to now be “Head-Judge” in Sweden for the 9th time - always a pleasure
Alan is a New York-based portrait, food, still life and macro photographer.
He grew up on the creative side of the advertising world, working with clients around the world; telling their unique stories in unique ways. He had the pleasure of collaborating with many talented photographers and film directors. He became envious of their art and craft. At first, he saw it as a means of reducing his stress-filled life. As a Chief Creative Officer at Omnicom, one of the world’s largest Advertising Agency Networks, he needed a distraction.
A friend gave him a camera. Then he bought another and another. His new hobby and daily “creative exercise regimen” turned into a joy-filled and all-consuming passion. Then, his first photo client called, followed by many more.
His work can be seen in launch campaigns for the Apple iPhone and Nikon as well as for Cadillac, US Cotton, OnStar, Ricoh, Lockheed Martin, Die Zeit, Scholastic and numerous others. His work fills entire walls in Bose stores and Ritz Carlton Hotels worldwide and throughout the entire set on ABC’s The Good Doctor and HBO’s And just like that. His work hangs in numerous private and corporate art collections. His macro, food and still life work can be seen in countless editorial publications and products from housewares to clothing to puzzles.
As much as Alan loves creating images, he genuinely loves to teach; sharing his workflow from capture through post-processing and printing. He is a super high-energy instructor with a knack for getting people out of their comfort zone as well as helping them discover and capture beautiful things in beautifully unexpected ways.
Website: AlanShapiroPhotography.com
Arnfinn Johansen is a semi-professional wildlife photographer based in Lillehammer, in the centre of southern Norway. He is a member of the Norwegian Nature Photographers Association / NN, an exclusive association of professional nature photographers focused on environmental issues and ethical standards. In 2017 Arnfinn founded Oltepesi Tented Safari Camp / www.oltepesi.com, an eco-safari camp located in Maasai Mara in Kenya made to meet the needs of professional wildlife photographers and nature photo enthusiasts. Arnfinn also is a photo guide for Zoom Fotoresor AB and Africa Geographic. His images are represented internationally by NTB Scanpix news and photo agency which is the leading supplier of visual content in Scandinavia.
The photography
Through his photography, Arnfinn seeks to convey the magic of nature, communicate its many moods and reveal its stories and secrets. His images are about more than just excellent composition and technical ability; they offer the viewer an intimate view of nature and a moment of reflection. Some of Arnfinn’s most powerful shots show his subjects in their natural environment, combining clean composition with the space and beauty of the landscape. He always looks for stories behind the images that need to be told, inspires respect for nature and reminds us to be humble. When all of these elements come together in a single photograph, Arnfinn knows he has succeeded.
Arnfinn's work has been recognised in many international competitions, including European Wildlife Photographer of the Year (GDT), Asferico, Glanzlichter, Por el Planeta, Oasis, Global Arctic Awards, Memorial Maria Luisa (MML), Nordic Nature Photo Contest (NNPC), Nature’s Best Windland Smith Rice International Awards, Black & White Spider Awards, Sony World Photography Awards, Nature’s Best Photography Africa, among others.
Exhibitions and publications
Arnfinn's work has been on display at Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC (U.S.), at Somerset House Gallery and Patrick Mavros Art Gallery in London (UK), at Iziko South African Museum in Johannesburg (South Africa), at Giacosa Theater of Ivrea in Torino (Italy), at Museum of Man and Nature in Munich and Stadtmuseum Schleswig (Germany), at White Swan Wildlife International Photography Festival of Sanmexia (China), at Ree Park Ebeltoft (Denmark), at Natural History Museum in Oslo (Norway), and in other cities like Mexico City in Mexico, Moscow in Russia, Kolkota in India, Oviedo in Spain, Fürstenfeldbruck and Lünen in Germany, among others. His images has also been published in both books, newspapers and international photography magazines.
Professional background
Arnfinn holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance and Business Administration and has over 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship, governance, board work and management within the information technology industry in Norway. In 2008 he co-founded Styrmand AS, an IT consulting company based in Lillehammer and Oslo. Today, he is the company’s CFO and Chairman of the Board at Styrmand and is also involved in other companies and start-ups.
The synergy
There is a good synergy between Arnfinn’s day job in IT and his passion for nature photography. One provides an energetic schedule and challenging workload in an inspiring and expanding company. The other offers opportunities to travel, a chance to get outdoors into nature, and time to reflect and think. Importantly, both roles provide energy and invigoration to the other.
Web and Facebook
Studio History
MacGregor Studios started in 1974. The studio has grown from a humble beginning in an apartment to a 500 sq ft store front and finally to a 3500 sq foot building in Vancouver. The studio has gone through several changes over the years. Wedding photography has comprised approx. 40% of the studio business and has been consistent over the years. Graduation portraits were a foundation in the 70’s and 80’s. The 90’s saw a dramatic focus on Lifestyle family and wall portraiture which now comprises almost 70% of the studios sales. The studio focuses on wall portrait and wedding work only and low volume.
Degrees and Awards:
Professional Photographers of Canada Master of Photographic Arts (13 Bars
Service Of Photographic Arts Honorary Life Member
National Award for Service Qualified Judge
Professional Photographers of BC Honorary Life Member
Fellowship Degree
Associate Degree (only five presented in 60 yrs)
Professional Photographers of America Master Photographer (14 bars)
Photographic Craftsman
National Award
Approved PPA Photographic Instructor
Ross Sandahl International Award
Member: Cameracraftsman of America
Past President: Professional Photographers of Canada
Director: Professional Photographers of America (Board of Directors)
Salon Awards (PPOC, Western States, PPABC, PPA)
The awards podium has been visited virtually every year since obtaining membership. Best of class, Gallery, Epcot, Fuji and aggregate awards in almost every portrait and wedding class and in many cases the awards have been received numerous times (ie wedding album awards more than ten times, portrait of a Women … 7 times and the list continues etc.)
Don has taught over 40 week long classes for PPA Affilliate schools.
Highlights of Presentation Experience
Photoworld 2003 (Manila, Philippines)
PPA China Tour 2010
PP New Zealand
Texas School of Professional Photography, 1993, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13
Mars School
East Coast School
Imaging Workshops of Colorado
Professional Photographers Society of New York 2003/2004/07/08
New England School NEIPP 20,022,003,200,720,000,000
PPANE 2001
Kansas School 2002
Golden Gate School 2001
Mid America School 1999,2000
Triangle Institute 2001,2002
International Wall Portrait Conference mid 1980’s through 2013
Masters Tour Canada 1997
Image Explorations 2000-2011
Canadian and American National conventions as well as PPA Marketing Conference
PPA Certified Professional Photographer, 1992
SMFP (México) Maestro Fotógrafo, 1999
SMFP (México) Maestro Fotógrafo Instructor, 2003
PPA Master of Photography, 2000
PPA Craftsman Degree, 2000
APPImagem (Portugal) Mestre Fotógrafo Instrutor 2011
FEPFI (España) Miembro de Honor 2015
COFOMEX (México) Maestro Honorario 2018
Fernando, passionate about photography since he was a student at the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara where he obtained his degree as Mechanical Engineer. After completing his studies he was hired as an executive at the Eastman Kodak film factory in his hometown, Guadalajara.
A few years later (1984) he decided to quit his position and follow his passion to devote himself to what until then had been just a hobby, becoming a successful commercial/advertising photographer, until he retired from the business and closed his studio (2016), without ever losing his passion for the art.
Being a self-taught photographer and knowing of the enormous need for education, he has been for many years a photography mentor, especially in the area of photographic composition and lighting, giving seminars throughout Mexico, Central and South America, the United States, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Spain, and Portugal.
He has been an instructor for judges in Mexico, Spain and Portugal, a photography judge in Mexico, the United States and Portugal, the Mexican judge for the World Photographic Cup (2017), and has assisted Canada (2019) and Brazil (2020) to choose the images for their WPC team.
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.mx/bcofoto/_saved/
Email: bcofoto@yahoo.com
After a career as a professional photographer, I turned my passion back into my hobby.
After studying photography & film at the Hoger Sint-Lukasinstituut in Brussels, I worked for more than 40 years as a photographer in Houthalen-Helchteren, Belgium, specialising in portrait and reportage photography.
The passion for photography has remained and is now mainly expressed during my international travels and trips with my motorhome.
I am also closely involved in the work of the FEP, the Federation of European Professional Photographers, where I am chairman of the EP qualification jury. EP - European Photographer is a basic quality label with which the FEP endorses and recognises the minimum required professional competence of its members.
Since edition 2019 I am the chairman of the FEP Awards, an annual competition for professional photographers from all over Europe.
At the international photo festival ‘Lens op de Mens’ in Pelt, Belgium, I am a board member and chairman of the competition jury. ‘Man’, in the widest sense, is the theme of this largest open air photo festival of the country.
Personal website: www.johan-brouwers.be
Born in Melbourne, Australia, I am a full-time professional Nature and Wildlife photographer. A passionate photographer, teacher, and adventurer I run workshops and expeditions for other photographers and travellers to some of the world's wildest and remotest regions.
Specialising in the Polar and sub-Polar regions of the globe, my work celebrates the extreme latitudes of the Polar environment. An ambassador for the Polar Regions I gave up the corporate world to pursue my true passion for photography. You are welcome to join me on a photographic trip of a lifetime to some of the most magical destinations on this planet.
Living in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, I studied with distinction at the Australian Photography Studies College and the Australian College of Journalism. I am a fully accredited AIPP Double Master of Photography and was a member of the Australian Institute of Professional Photographers (AIPP) until it closed its doors in late 2021. In 2011 I was selected to appear in the AIPP 'Look for the Logo' television campaign highlighting some of Australia's best photographers. In 2011, I was also appointed as Australia's first and only Moab Master Photographer and Printer by Moab and Legion Paper in the USA. In early 2012, I was honored to be appointed as a member of the esteemed Coloratti by X-Rite and was subsequently interviewed for Nik Radio in late 2012. Early in 2013, I was honored as the 2012 Outdoor Photographer of the Year in the 'Spirit of Adventure category for my photograph of Mountain Climbers in Antarctica. In 2013, 2014, and again in 2015, I was elected to the Victorian Council of the Australian Institute of Professional Photographers. In 2014 I also won the Australian AIPP Canon Professional Science, Environment and Nature Photographer of the Year and Victorian Epson Professional Photographer of the Year grand prize along with overall State category wins in Science, Environment and Nature, Creative Photographer of the Year, and Highest Scoring Print of the Year. In 2015 I was honored as the Global Arctic Photographer of the Year with five medals across multiple categories.
In 2017 and 2018 I was named the Victorian Epson Professional Documentary Photographer of the Year as well as being a finalist in the Science, Wildlife, and Wild Places category. I was also highly honored in Nature's Best Photography in the Nature in Motion category for Ghosts of the Arctic and was a finalist in Travel Photographer of the Year. In 2019 I was named the Victorian Epson Nature Photographer of the Year and was a finalist in the APPA National Australian Professional Photography Awards in the Nature Category. In 2020 I joined the AIPP Board as a Director of the Institute and served for 18 months until closed in late 2021. In 2021 I won the Silver medal for Australia in the World Photographic Cup in the Nature category and was the overall winner in the Natural World category in the AIPP Silver Lining Awards.
My photography has taken me on extensive travels throughout Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, North and South America, Canada, China, Europe, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Greenland, Mongolia, the Arctic, and Antarctica. I also pursue an active interest in mountain biking and wilderness trekking.
In Australia, I am officially represented by Philip Kulpa and the Source Photographica Gallery. International representation includes the Aspen Gallery in Aspen USA. My work has also been exhibited at international shows and expos across the USA and Europe including Photokina in Germany and PhotoPlus in New York.
My photography has also been exhibited at Montsalvat Art Gallery, purchased by City Councils, as well as private collectors around the world. My photography has won both Gold with Distinction and Silver with Distinction awards at the prestigious Australian Professional Photography Awards (APPA) as well as winning other internationally acclaimed awards such as the World Extreme Environment People's Choice Award. My work has also been published in numerous magazines and journals, including B&W + Color, National Geographic, Canadian Geographic, F11 Magazine, The Australian Photography, and Gallery Compendium, Wild, Australian Photography, Better Photography, Better Pictures, Wildlife Photographic, and the Silvershotz Journal.
Katrin Eismann is the Adobe Lightroom Product Manager for Ideas & Inspiration. Katrin is co-author of Photoshop Restoration & Retouching, Photoshop Masking & Compositing, The Creative Digital Darkroom, and Real World Digital Photography – all of which have been translated into numerous languages for worldwide distribution. In 2005, she was inducted into the Photoshop Hall of Fame, and in 2016 was named a Sony Artisan of Imagery. Her images have been featured in numerous books, magazines, and group and solo exhibitions. Katrin has presented on or taught digital imaging on six continents. She is the founder and former Chair of the MPS Digital Photography program at the School of Visual Arts from January 2007 to July 2019. Currently, she is committed to innovating worldwide photographic education in her position at Adobe. Adobe is a major company that develops products that provide everyone — from emerging artists to global brands — everything they need to design and deliver exceptional digital content and experiences.
Kevin is one such photographer who has long commanded a premium for his work. His classical eye has been honed over 3 decades, gaining 7 Fellowships from the British Institute of Professional Photographers, 2 fellowships from the Master Photographers Association and 2 fellowships from the Royal Photographic Society. In addition to this, Kevin has attained his Masters degree in The Professional Photographers of America,
Kevin, with his knowledge and wealth of experience is ideally placed to mentor beginners and well-established professional photographers. Kevin has also served as Chairman of A & Q for MPA, BIPP, SWPP, RPS and Kodak.
Having achieved just about every accolade there is in this industry as a photographer, winning award after award, qualification after qualification, Kevin has a fairly comprehensive view as to what makes a photograph work, what the failing of that same creation might be. Having said all of the above, the real attribute I possess is being able to see the good from the not so good, to identify strengths and weaknesses. In addition, Kevin has run training courses for associations here in United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, Holland, Germany, Cyprus, Denmark, and Ireland north and south.
Kylie Lyons has been a professional photographer for 30 years' operating her small boutique studio in Sydney Australia photographing weddings/portraits and commercial assignments.
Kylie graduated from the University of Western Sydney in 1994 with a Bachelor of Arts in Design – majoring in Photomedia. She began work before graduating at a North Sydney based Pre Press Bureau where it was her job to put together the photography department. The work was purely commercial based and concentrated on products and packaging, all the while working in the background on her own wedding photography business.
In the year 2000 Kylie decided to take the plunge and become self employed as a wedding photographer. With her husband Peter they purchased a church built in 1884 and called it “The Old St Thomas Chapel” thus creating a unique niche market with their heritage wedding Chapel – The only one of its kind in Sydney. Still concentrating on mainly weddings Kylie’s photography business started to grow into the portrait market as previous clients began to have families.
Today Kylie concentrates more on commercial assignments again, enjoying the freedom of all genres of photography that come through her door. She is known for her food photography and shoots regularly for local magazines, she is also concentrating on a series of art inspired portraits.
Kylie joined the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP) in late 1999. Immediately she volunteered her services to the New South Wales (NSW) State Council to be their newsletter editor. This resulted in a position being offered on the Council – which she held for 10 years, the last 5 being in the office of NSW State President.
In 2010 Kylie volunteered her services to the National AIPP Board and took up the role of Vice President. Working with an active team much change was brought to the Institute including the organization of a new annual conference, Folio assessments for membership entry and a Continuing Professional Development program to name just a few. In 2012 Kylie was elected as the National AIPP President and set about streamlining the Australian Awards system. Introducing a new judging system wholly owned by the AIPP and seeing membership numbers jump to new all-time highs.
Kylie was in the role of National AIPP Chairman from 2014-2016
Kylie is a Master of Photography with 1 gold bar with the AIPP, and a Master of Photography with NZIPP – The New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography. She has won many silver and gold awards and have also achieved NSW AIPP Portrait Photographer of the year 2000 and NSW AIPP Open Category winner 2009.
She is a valued state, National and International judge and panel chair and has a very unique understanding of the Australasian awards judging system. She has lectured both in Australia and New Zealand and has been part of the AIPP Mentoring Program helping up and coming photographers in the business of running a photography studio.
Since 2023 President of WPC.
Kristi is a multi award-winning Pet, Commercial and Portrait international photographer from Finland. She is best known for her studio portraits of animals, which have her own very strong style. Her animal portraits are full of feelings but at the same time they express simplicity and serenity.
Kristi is punctual, professional and she approaches each opportunity with enthusiasm and passion and runs studio (KVPHOTO) in commercial, portrait and animal photography in Järvenpää, Finland.
Professional qualifications:
EP 2021
QEP (qualified European photographer) 2021, in Pet Photography
• FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year: 1-st place / Golden Camera in Domesticated Animals and many honorable mentions
• Finnish Photo Awards: 2-nd place in Commercial, 3-rd place in Creative Portrait and many honorable mentions 2021
• FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year: 1-st place / Golden Camera in Domesticated Animals and many honorable mentions
• Finnish Photo Awards: 2-nd place in Domestical Animals and many honorable mentions 2020
• Finnish Photo Awards: 1-st place in Classical Portrait and other places and honorable mention 2019
• Finnish Photo Awards: honorable mention in Classical Portrait
Please see below for social media links and website:
Kristian Bogner is a master photographer, director, filmmaker, speaker and Ambassador for Nikon Canada, Broncolor and Lowepro. He lives in the Rocky Mountains of Canada but his passion for visual storytelling takes him from shooting the Olympics to aircraft interiors. He shoots extreme sports, fashion, editorial, nature, commercial, film projects and adventure expeditions on every continent.
Known for his versatility, inventive creativity and illustrative style of photography and filming, he thrives in technical challenges with a mindset of capturing energy at its peak, no matter what his subject is. This sought-after visual artist has directed on several billion-dollar projects and large-scale productions, having extensive experience working with top international creative agencies, the film industry and tv productions.
Awarded 2018 International Photographer of the Year and 3-time International Commercial Photographer of the Year with the Master Photographers International Association, 2020 World Photographic Cup Bronze Medal, 4-time Commercial Photographer of the Year for Canada and the prestigious Yousuf Karsh lifetime achievement award with the Professional Photographers of Canada Association, among many other awards for his work.
Bogner is proud to be part of an 80-year heritage in photography spanning 3 generations, starting with his grandfather, a master photographer in Germany, followed by his father and mother who are also master photographers. At age 16 Bogner started his own photography company and he has been dedicated to capturing the light ever since.
Website: https://kristianbogner.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kristianbogner/
Twitter: @kristianbogner
Linked-in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristianbogner/
Master Qualified European Photographer – MQEP
Specialties: Design Portrait, Fine Art, Nude, Fashion
Lucille lives and works in Flanders, Belgium. She has practiced general photography since a very young age. After a career of five decades, she has garnered many awards and important achievements.
Today, Feremans has emerged as one of the elite fine-art photographers in Europe. Now best known for her arresting, brilliantly colored fine art photographs, she seems to reinvestigate the heart and soul of life, as well as the basic materials of photography.
She, more than anyone else, is able to define her conceptual images.
Her gentle but determined approach to visual arts makes Lucille stand out from the crowd of ordinary photographers.
Her images reflect autobiographical, figural, psychodramas and involve public narratives. We see a sensitive approach to portraits of the human nude in powerful colors and in intense, chiaroscuro, following the best Flemish pictorial tradition.
Final prints are produced as conventional C-Prints, Baryte Silver Prints, Polaroid transfers & liftings and digitally enhanced photographs.
Lucille Feremans adds her own, personal approach to image making; her creative moment coincides with the intuitive, impulsive urge of the artist.
Her photo book WATCH ME was published in 2014.
Miriam runs a small studio in Averøy/ Kristiansund at the north-west coast of Norway , Mitt lille studio AS since 2012. Her speciality is newborns, but she does all kinds of portraits, through all ages, both
private and business.
In 2016 she won Landskonkurransen in Norway and the title Norwegian Photographer of the Year in the annual national competition for professional photographers held by Norges Fotografforbund, NFF (The Norwegian photography association).
In 2018 and 2019 she won the title local Photographer of the Year in the annual local competitions for professional photographers, held by the local groups of Norges Fotografforbund. (Møre og Romsdal
Fotograflaug) and in 2017 she place 2nd.
In 2019 she earned the title Qualified European Photographer of the Federation of European Photographer (QEP).
In 2021 she placed an overall 44th in the annual WPE Awards.
She has also won several single awards in WPPI, EPOTY (European Photographer of the Year), One Eyeland, Portrait Masters, RISE Awards, among others.
Miriam has done two judging courses, one in Oslo by the NFF, the Norwegian photography association and one in Prague by FEP, Federation of European Photographers.
Former judging experience:
2017 Digital jury, Annual National Competition (Landskonkurransen), Norway
2017 Print jury, Annual National Competition (SM i Fotografi), Sweden
2019 Digital jury, Local professional competition, Norway
2020 Digital jury, Local professional competition, Norway
2020 Print jury, Annual National Competition (SM i Fotografi), Sweden
2021 Digital jury, Annual National Competition (Landskonkurransen), Norway
2020 Digital jury, Local professional competition, Norway
2022 Digital jury, European Photographer Of The Year (EPOTY), Federation of European
Jag heter Laila Villebeck och är en passionerad nyföddfotograf. Sedan 2011 driver jag min studio i Linköping med inriktning mot nyföddfotografering, baby och barn. Jag brinner för att skapa bilder från de allra första dagarna i en liten människas liv och jobbar konstant med att förbättra mitt sätt att jobba med de nyfödda för att kunna ge familjerna de bästa bilderna med den största varitionen jag kan. Annat som ligger mig varmt om hjärtat är att skapa bilder med stark storytelling och att experimentera med ljussättning för att skapa en vacker stämning i bilderna. Att tävla med bilder har varit en del av min egen utveckling i flera år. Min allra första tävling som professionell fotograf var 2014 och sedan dess har jag fått flera titlar som svensk mästare i många olika kategorier (nyfödd, baby, klassiskt barnporträtt, barn, familj, fine art, digital illustration, kreativt porträtt, reportage).
Internationellt har det också blivit många topp-placeringar och titlar. Några av de som jag är mest stolt över är:
2022 SWPP Pet Photographer of the Year
2022 SWPP Newborn Photographer of the Year
2020 Mästarbrev Fotografyrket, Sveriges Hantverksråd
2019 SWPP Children Photographer of the Year
2019 FEP Portrait Photographer of the Year (Golden Camera)
2018 RISE International Photographer of the Year
2018 RISE Family Photographer of the Year
2018 FEP Portrait Photographer of the Year (Golden Camera)
2016 Master Qualified European Photographer, FEP
Jag har två domarutbildningar i ryggen och har haft äran att ingå i domarjuryn i många tävlingar; SM i fotografi, Norska Landskonkurrensen, IIPVA Awards, FETA (FEP), QEP/MQEP-kvalifikationer, Finnish Photo Awards och Fotofinlandia. Jag har också haft den stora äran att få vara mentor åt fotografer inför deras QEP-kvalifikationer. Det är en ynnest att få gå in och studera så många fantastiska tävlingsbilder. Det finns så många delar som jag "går igång" på! Fantastiskt ljus, stark storytelling, grymt redigeringsjobb, annorlunda kompostion och val av optik för att nämna några delar.
Jag ser fram emot att få se alla deltagande bilder under SM 2023 och välkomnar deltagande fotografer att höra av sig EFTER tävlingen med eventuella frågor kring sina tävlande bilder och/eller för att få mer ingående konstruktiv kritik. Tillsammans lär vi av varandra.
Stort tack till tävlingskommitén för förtroendet att vara domare i SM återigen.
Vill ni se mer av mig finns jag här:
Hemsida: https://fotograflailavillebeck.se/
Sandra Åberg is an internationally acclaimed Fashion & Wedding photographer. Originally Swedish but live and work all over Europe and the world.
Sandra started out in Milan infatuated with the fashion world - until she discovered weddings and found a unique way to combine the wedding and fashion universe into something the world had not seen before.
That brought Sandra to shoot for fashion wedding magazines like Vogue Wedding and her career took of with workshops for other photographers as well as speaking engagements and much more.
Sandra’s work is regularly featured in magazines like Vogue (Japan-Australia-Brazil-Italy), Brides, Martha Stewart and more.
Admired for her dreamy, romantic, pastel coloured and ethereal aesthetic, Sandra strives to create stories and evoke feelings of a dreamlike world with freedom and nature as her inspiring elements.
She always aims to create a little world of artistic etherial universe with timeless images to last a lifetime.
Always looking forward to celebrating that incredible time in your life with you, we are here to add smiles to your day & create amazing images for years to come.
Website: https://sandraaberg.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandraaberg/