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PPA Certified Professional Photographer, 1992

SMFP (México) Maestro Fotógrafo, 1999

SMFP (México) Maestro Fotógrafo Instructor, 2003

PPA Master of Photography, 2000

PPA Craftsman Degree, 2000

APPImagem (Portugal) Mestre Fotógrafo Instrutor 2011

FEPFI (España) Miembro de Honor 2015

COFOMEX (México) Maestro Honorario 2018


Fernando, passionate about photography since he was a student at the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara where he obtained his degree as Mechanical Engineer. After completing his studies he was hired as an executive at the Eastman Kodak film factory in his hometown, Guadalajara.


A few years later (1984) he decided to quit his position and follow his passion to devote himself to what until then had been just a hobby, becoming a successful commercial/advertising photographer, until he retired from the business and closed his studio (2016), without ever losing his passion for the art.


Being a self-taught photographer and knowing of the enormous need for education, he has been for many years a photography mentor, especially in the area of ​​photographic composition and lighting, giving seminars throughout Mexico, Central and South America, the United States, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Spain, and Portugal.


He has been an instructor for judges in Mexico, Spain and Portugal, a photography judge in Mexico, the United States and Portugal, the Mexican judge for the World Photographic Cup (2017), and has assisted Canada (2019) and Brazil (2020)  to choose the images for their WPC team.



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